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One advantage of an organism being multicellular is that it can grow to a large size. A single cell cannot do this. For one thing, unless it were wafer-thin, it would not have a large enough surface area to supply the needs of its contents: enough oxygen for the mitochondria, enough glucose and amino acids for the cell, and so. Nor would it be able to remove its wastes, like carbon dioxide and urea, fast enough. Another advantage is differentiation. This means that different cells can become specialized for different purposes, and be very efficient at them. Thus some cells specialize in conducting messages, some in carrying oxygen, some in storing lipid (fat) as an energy reserve and, in some animals, for thermal insulation. The entire body is thus like a human community with division of labor.

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Q: What are the advantages of humans being multicellular and why?
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Why do humans have multicellular cells?

We need to be multicellular, because we need all the different types of cells for what our body's systems do. Being multicellular gives humans more capabilities that other organisms might not be able to do. Humans would not be built the same way that we are now if we were not multicellular, we would have a lot less functions.

What aro two advantges of being multicellular?

Two advantages of being multicellular is that having many cells allows you to have a longer life span since you are not depending on just one cell. another advantage is being multicellular allows you to grow because only having one cell would make you microscopic.

Does a multicellular organism reproduce?

Well humans are multicellular organisms

All multicellular organisms are called?

There are many examples of multicellular organisms. Us humans are multicellular, animals are multicellular. Smaller organisms are unicells.

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Are you unicellular or multicellualar?

Humans are multicellular.

What is meant by the term multicellular?

Multicellular thing have multiple cells For example humans and animals are multicellular organisms

What kind of cells do humans have unicellular or multicellular?

multicellular, plants can be both, unicellular and multicellullar

What is a non- example of unicellular?

multicellular, or humans, plants and animals.

How does a multicellular organsim grow larger?

Multicellular means having more than one cell. There are no multicellular cells, but there are multicellular organisms, like us humans.

Is the nerve cell unicellular or multicellular?

Nerve cell is a cell in an animal, and is not considered to be unicellular nor multicellular.

What are two advances of being multicellular?

Being multicellular means that you have a faster mitosis rate.