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Have fruit walls that split open with a sudden force when ripe.

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Q: What are the characteristics of seeds dispersed by explosive action?
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How are seeds of calotropis dispersed?

by water,wind,explosive action and animals.HaHa

How is seed of the balsam plant dispersed?

Explosive or splitting action

What is lady finger way of seed dispersal?

It disperses seeds by explosive mechanism.

How does Rubber disperse their seeds?

They disperse thier seeds through explosive mechanism. hope this answer is helpful to you!😄

Why seeds of plant dispersed by animal is further than plant dispersed by explosive mechanism?

When seeds are dispersed by an animal they are usually either consumed by the animal then expelled in the animal's waste or caught in the animal's fur and later released as the animal shed. In both scenarios the animal acts as a transport for the seeds and can carry seeds much further than the small launch in a plant's explosive mechanism

How are seeds dispersed by animals that eat fruit?

Because many seeds cannot be digested by the animals, they can be passed out in an animal's waste at some distance from the original plant. (see related question)

What seeds are dispersed by explosive mechanism?

Star anise (Illicium) seedsSquirting Cucumber ("Ecballium elaterium")Hairy BittercressBauhinia purpurea

How are xanthium seeds dispersed?

Xanthium has hairy and seeds with hooks that get easily stuck in the fur and hide of animals and get dispersed far off places . They also get dispersed by wind . When climatic conditions are favourable , they burst open by the explosive mechanism and are transported far off places and germinate into new plants.

What must a plant have to be able to disperse it seeds by explosive action?

It must be dry.

Seeds disperse by?

Different seeds disperse by different methods depending on their physical characteristics. They can be dispersed by gravity, wind, water, and animal means.