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The effects of cocainemixed with anything is not good. Cocaine by itself is destructive and deadly.

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Q: What are the effects of mixing cocaine with steroids being taken to treat poison ivy?
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How long are you protected from poison ivy after taking steroids?

The short answer is that you are not protected. While steroids may be used to reduce inflammation and itching associated with poison ivy, this treats only the symptoms and does nothing to prevent repeated contact from uroshiol causing poison ivy again.

How is poison created?

Poison is created by mixing two chemicals that create a poison. This link might help

What are the ingredients of zombie poison?

You can make zombie poison by mixing puffer fish toxin and injecting into the heart of a dead body of a human.

How can you make deadly poison by mixing up medicine?

Theoretically, I'd say you'd do that either by mixing medications that have synergistic effects (make the result of the two more than the sum of the results of either), or my cocktailing to produce a series of cumulative effects. This isn't really easy to do, however, as pharmaceutical producers tend to try and avoid drug interactions as much as possible, for obvious reasons.

How long does poison ivy last after using steroids?

All symptoms should subside within a week.

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If you swallow a cocaine rock wrapped in plastic?

most likely the plastic will be dissolved by stomach acid and the cocaine will cause gut rot. that's about it. call poison control

What effect do poisons have on the brain?

Effects of poison in the brain are that the poison kills brain cells. if occurs immediately call POISON CONTROL!

How fast does rat poison kill laced with crack cocaine?

I don;t know so you tell me.

Does eating cashews reduce the effects of poison ivy?


Can you test positive for steroids after using a steroid pack for poison oak?

yes. It is a steroid pack. However, if you were prescribed the pack, bring a note from your physician explaining the reason. The issue with steroids is the illegality of them, not that you needed them for a condition.

Is cocain or marijuanna worse?

Cocaine is definitely worse. Cocaine is an addictive drug while marijuana is only emotionally addictive. Cocaine is also a drug where you can overdose on whereas you can't overdose on marijuana. Also, cocaine isn't always pure so you can end up snorting rat poison along with it.