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Q: What are the food factories called that contain chlorophyll?
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What is the name of the process by which most of the world's autotrophs make their food?

If they contain chlorophyll, the process is photosynthesis. If they do not contain chlorophyll, the process is called chemosynthesis.

What organism can make its own food and usually contains chlorophyll?

Most green plants contain a green pigment called chlorophyll in their leaves. This chlorophyll is responsible for the manufacture of food in plants.

What does not contain chlorophyll that cannot make own food?

Animals and humans do not contain chlorophyll and can not make their own food!

Do all plants contain chlorophyll in order to make food?

A1: No plants contain chlorophyll in order to make food. Not all plants contain chlorophyll. Plants which contain chlorophyll, contain it in order to breathe. A2: plants do use it to breathe but plants also use it to help them make food.

What do you call a cell that has food factories and contains chlorophyll?


What do chloropast contain?

Chlorophyll. Chlorophyll is the food that the plant uses to survive.

Do stem cells contain chlorophyll?

No, stem cells do not contain chlorophyll. Chlorophyll is what makes plants green. It is also used as a food dye.

Do papaya and tomato plants contain chlorophyll?

I think all living plants contain chlorophyll as they need them to photosynthise to provide energy and food for themselves. Not all living plants contain chlorophyll but papaya & tomato plants certainly contain chlorophyll.

What green substance does the chloroplast contain?

The active substance found in chloroplasts is a green pigment called chlorophyll. Chlorophyll is an energy-absorbing molecule, involved in the production of glucose by the process of photosynthesis.

What organisms contain chlorophyll?

Some bacteria, but not all bacteria, have chlorophyll.

What does a palnt need to make food?

Plants make food in their leaves. The leaves contain a pigment called chlorophyll, which colors the leaves green. Chlorophyll can make food the plant can use fromcarbon dioxide, water, nutrients, and energy from sunlight. This process is called photosynthesis.

What are protists that contain chlorophyll and can make their own food called?

Like plants, many species of protists can make their own food by the process of photosynthesis.