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Q: What are the plants that have roots stem leaves fruits and flowers and they are eaten?
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What plants have hairy leaves?

Plants that have spiky leaves may not be eaten by animals as much. Therefore those plants will live long enough to reproduce and make more plants that also have spiky leaves. It is one of several characteristics that help plants survive.

In a vegetable garden 45 bean plants have been eaten by deer and 5 are untouched. What is the frequency of bean plants in the garden that have been eaten by deer?


What fruits do mangrove trees grow?

yes, mangrove fruits are edible. they are like another word for sea weeds.

How do fruits aid in the dispersal of angiosperm?

Seeds are inside fruit; fruit is a vehicle designed to transport the seeds by falling/rolling (apple), water (coconut) or being eaten and seeds deposited (berries).

What are some different types of leaves?

Leaves that nurture from the branches of the higher plants and range in measurement lengthwise from less than one inch in duckweeds to more than 50 feet in some plants. The principal utility of leaves is to formulate provisions for plants and to complimentary them of excess humidity. In some plants leaves entrap insects which are used as provisions. Some plants reproduce themselves by means of leaves. The leaves of many plants are significant foods. Leaves in addition give substance for clothing, basketry, and roofing. Leaves produce from the joints or nodes of stems. The upper position flanked by a leaf and a stem is called axil of the leaf. Leaves are portraied as straightforward or multifaceted, conditional on whether they have one or number of cutting edges and by their shapes and their edges. Every kernel contains one or more cotyledons or sow leaves. Cotyledons absorb the provisions stored in seeds and contribute it to sprouts, wholesome them in anticipation of first factual leaves come into view. In some plants the cotyledons hold chlorophyll and create food by photosynthesis. Bud levels are leaves that defend buds. The leaves of cacti and a number of other plants have developed into backbones. Ringlets have expanded from definite leaves in the saccharine pea and a numeral of additional plants. A leaf that produces at the pedestal of a bloom pursue, flourish or group of flowers is called a bract. In the dogwood, poinsettia, calla lily, and many other plants the bracts include into glitzy, flowerlike intensifications. · Simple Leaves: These are known as brochure of a compound leaf may be oval, oblique, any of a large number of other shapes. The outskirts may be smooth and unaligned, as in corn jagged waved or throwed. · Compound Leaves:These consist of a number of leaflets. The pamphlets look similar to leaves but blossoms do not nurture in their axils. In a pinnately compound leaf the leaflets produce from both sides of the petiole as the taunts cultivate from the stream of a quill. Some leaves have particular purposes in company with or in preference to food making. Such dedicate yourself to leaves comprise protective leaves, storage leaves, tendrils, bracts, and insect-capturing leaves. Protective leaves embrace blossom balances, stings and bristles. Bud scales are concentrated leaves that guard the juvenile, undeveloped hankies of grow and are petite and broad and they extend beyond like crown gravels. In numerous plants, the flower extents have a surface layer of water-resistant compartments. Bristles and spines are jagged folio arrangements that look after the plant from being eaten. Many cactuses have clusters of spines. In many species of cactuses, the summited spines substitute the leaves on the grown-up plants. In these plants, the emerald shoot has the work of photosynthesis. Storage leaves mount up provisions in their roots or stems. On the other hand, some plants have extraordinary leaves that grasp additional provisions. Onion and tulip bulbs consist mostly of dumpy, portly luggage compartment leaves called corm extents. These leaves cannot create food. Their job is to amass provisions subversive throughout the chill months. Bracts produce immediately underneath the come into buds of convinced lodges. Most bracts are slighter and simpler in silhouette than a plant's usual leaves. Many affiliates of the daisy relatives-together with daisies, goldenrods, marigolds, and sunflowers-have bracts. These outline a beaker less than the plant's bunch of flowers. A small number of kinds of plants such as the flowering have great, ostentatious bracts which look approximating fraction of the flower but they are not. Carnivorous plants such as the butterwort, pitcher plant, sundew, and Venus's-flytrap, have leaves that imprison insects and known as Insect-capturing leaves. These like other leaves, can formulate provisions with sunshine. But they also encompass features that create a center of attention, ensnare, and then take on board insects. Plants with creepy-crawly-capturing abscond grow in swamp, where the dust contains modest nitrogen. They get hold of this indispensable nutrient from the imprisoned insects.

Related questions

What plant parts serve as food to people and animals?

In my research the roots,seeds,fruits,flowers,leaves,flower bud and stems are the plant parts that can be eaten

Food eaten by the lizard?

They eat insects,leaves and flowers.

What waste do plants get ride of?

the eaten leaves from bugs

Are mimosa fruits edible?

Fruits, or in this case the seeds in the pod, can be eaten (I just tried some today and feel great) and are good but better boiled or roasted as they are a little chewy and raw-tasting. The pod is quite fibrous but can be eaten if boiled well. Leaves and flowers can be made into tea, and the flowers can be cooked and eaten. I also just read about a mimosa flower wine which I'm sure is a faint flavor but tasty nonetheless.

Do leaves protect plants from being eaten by hungry animals?


What are vegetables?

Vegetables (veggies) are a class of edible plants used as food, either eaten raw or cooked. They may be used to include some fruits, or may be a culinary class separate from fruits.

What are the food that caoms form Stems?

Edible plant stems are one part of plants that are eaten by humans. Most plants are made up of roots, stems, leaves, flowers, buds and produce fruits containing seeds. Humans most commonly eat the seeds. An example of seeds are maize, wheat, coffee and various nuts, fruit examples include tomato and apples and leaves which are lettuce, spinach and cabbage, or toots examples are carrots and beets. Humans also eat the stems of many plants such as asparagus. There are also a few edible leaf stalks such as celery and some edible flowers.

What fruits that cannot be eaten?

another one that can't be eaten are baneberries, they're toxic, especially the stem/root. The deaths are rare but you shouldn't eat them since they still have very bad symptoms like fever, nausea, vomiting

Does kohlrabi grow underground?

There is a top plant and then the cauliflower among the leaves, so it doesn't grow underground but on top. Cauliflower plants do send roots underground, but the flowers, the parts that are eaten, grow above ground.

How does rose disperse its seeds?

Rose plants make fruits called hips. Like most such fruits they are eaten by birds and the seeds are dispersed in their droppings.

Can canteloupe grow once leaves are eaten?

It matters how badly the plants leaves were damaged. If it was just tempararly damaged yes, it could.

A plant that produces seeds surrounded by a fruit depends on which process for seed dispersal?

an animal eats a fruit that contains seeds and leaves the seed in a new location. Many fruits are eaten by birds and seeds from these fruits remain undigested and dispersed in a farflung area to germinate and develop into new plants.