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The most effective precaution is to maintain blood pressure below a level of 130/85. Prognosis is that a person with AKPD has a 52% likelihood of End Stage Renal Failure at age 58.

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Q: What are the precautions for a APKD patient?
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What is the difference between standard precautions and universal precautions?

Where infectious diseases are the issue, there is no difference between universal precautions and standard precautions. The suite of procedures called "universal precautions" should now be the standard precautions used in all cases of patient contact.

When should a nursing assistant use standard precautions?

Standard precautions must always used when delivering patient care.

Do healthcare workers use standard precautions with a HIV patient?

Yes; and they use standard precautions with all patients as well.

What are the precautions observed in adding the medication to IV fluids?

If you are adding a drug to IV fluid, you have to take all the aseptic precautions as you take for giving IV injection to the patient. Other wise patient will get bacteremia.

What happens if universal precautions are not followed?

If universal precautions are not followed, many negative things may occur. You may catch something the patient has. You can pass on what one patient has to another patient (who many have a decreased immune system), which can lead to having a worse effect on that patient and can possibly cause death if it is not controlled properly. Universal precautions are created to keep not only the health care providers safe, but also to keep that patient as well as other patients safe as well.

What precautions you take in fits?

During fits stictly not to give anything to eat to patient. Dont the patient let sleep also.

What is meant by contact precautions?

In order to prevent spread of infections, "contact precautions" are often instituted in hospital settings. Thus, gloves, gowns and masks should be worn when in a patient's room where "contact precautions" is listed on the door.

What is respiratory precaution?

In addition to Standard Precautions and Contact Precautions use Droplet (Respiratory) Precautions for patients known or suspected to be infected with microorganisms transmitted by droplets. Droplets can be generated by the patient coughing, sneezing, talking or during the performance of procedure (e.g. nebulisers).

Can visitors to a MRSA patient be infected?

Visitors to a MRSA patient be infected if precautions are not taken, and a visitor with a cut in their skin is especially susceptible to contracting the infection.

What is the general rule in regards to general precautions?

Treat every patient as if they have a blood-borne infection.

Can a Pentacostal patient with contact precautions be baptized by sprinkling if they can't be immersed?

Yes, symbolically the sprinkling or pouring will suffice. But, if the contact restrictions are lifted, the patient should be baptized by immersion.

Why do you think a doctor has to test if a patient is a bleeder before tooth excretion or before undergoing surgical operation?

The doctor or dentist needs to test to find out if a patient is a bleeder before the procedure in order to take precautions if the patient is a bleeder. Otherwise, the patient could bleed to death.