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Swollen cell

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12y ago

it is actually the vacuole.

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Q: What are the sac filled with water in a plant cell called?
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What is the central-water filled space found in the cell?

I assume you mean in plant cells. This is called the vacuole, and its not "water filled" its filled with a mix of water, sugars, waste products and lots of other things.

What are plant cell cavities filled with fluid called?


What is the name of the large water filled vacule found in plants?

It is called central vacuole. It is distinct in plant cells

When vacuoles in plants are filled with water the plant has what?

It is filled with water because the environment the cell is in is watery. It also helps the cell keep its' form.

Plant and animal cells are filled with what?

Plants and animal cells are filled with (plant)chloroplasts which contains chloorophyll which makes the plant green. The cytoplasm of the plant helps keep the cell parts together. Animal cells are filled with energy, waste and water which helps provide the body.

Is a plant cell rectangular or spherical?

Whilst plant cells buldge on the sides when they're filled with more water, a plant cell is more rectangular than spherical.

What happens to plant cell in medium concentrated water?

if the plant cell is in concentrated shrinks .i.e the water in plant cell flows out and hence the plant cell loses its turgidity and shrinks.this process is called exosmosis .

Why do plant cells have bigger valcules than animal cell?

Plant cells have bigger vacuoles filled with cell sap. When you water a plant, the water collects in the vacuole and makes it stiff. This is why plants wilt if they don't get enough water.

What filled with cell sap?

The Vacuole :)

What is Vaculole surrounded by and What is it filled with?

the vaculole is filled with cell sap in a plant cell. It is surrounded by the cytoplasm

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What is called the power plant of a cell?

The mitochondria.Mitochondria are elongated, fluid filled sacs that vary in size and shape.