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aerial prop roots

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Q: What are the special roots in plants like rhizophora are called?
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Related questions

What are mangrove tree roots called?

Mangroves have 3 main types of roots 1) Rhizophora roots 2) Prop roots 3) Pencil roots

What are examples of plants with stilt roots?

Rhizophora it is a mangroov plant grows on the caostal area with high salt content wetlands on sea shores of tropics

How do plant roots breathe in the soil?

Plants breathe in the soil with the help of their roots . Some plants such as mangroves grow in muddy soil which does not contain much oxygen. To get some air, some mangroves give out special roots called breathing roots. Breathing roots are lined with special cells ( called lentils ) that absorb air. But , plants usually do not breathe through their roots ( mostly through leaves ) . Mostly soil particles can go through roots but I don't know how.

Why do mangrove trees have aerial roots?

Mangrove trees have aerial roots (roots above the soil) as they grow very close together and therefore don't find enough oxygen (O2) underground.

What plants are called no roots?

Air plants.

How do plants survive without water?

Plants have the ability to retain water because of a special structure called a cuticle.

Are parasitic plants draw food from their hosts with the help of special roots?


What are the structures and functions of plants roots?

Plants roots that are above ground are called aerial roots. Examples are some types of orchids, mangroves, and banyon trees.

Why are the roots of orchids called aerial roots?

Because orchids are designed to be an aerial type of plants

What has tansport water from plants roots to its leaves what?

Water through the vascular tissue called xylem.

Plants that have nitrogen-fixing bacteria in their roots are called .?


What are vascular plants that do not have true roots called?

If I remember right the fact that its a vascular plant means that it also has roots along with xylem and phloem. So if it doesnt have roots its not a vascular plants.