Three things needed for life are a source of energy (such as food or sunlight), water, and a suitable environment with the right temperature and conditions to support living organisms.
A short life cycle allows species to complete their life cycle quickly during brief periods of favorable conditions, such as after rainfall in deserts. This helps them maximize reproductive success before harsh conditions return. Additionally, a short life cycle reduces the energy and resources needed to survive in the harsh desert environment.
Reproduction is a necessary life function that is not needed for individual survival, as an organism can survive without reproducing.
For germination, seeds typically need moisture, suitable temperature, and oxygen. These three factors help initiate the biochemical processes necessary for the seed to start sprouting and growing into a plant.
Death, change, and taxes are three things in life that are considered inevitable.
three sensors that will be needed to measure the weather conditions
Since life as we know it requires water, scienctists hypothesize that Mars may have once had the conditions needed for life to exist.
Three things needed for life are a source of energy (such as food or sunlight), water, and a suitable environment with the right temperature and conditions to support living organisms.
Three conditions are needed for osmosis to occur: a semipermeable membrane that allows only water molecules to pass through, a difference in solute concentration on either side of the membrane, and a gradient in water concentration across the membrane.
Some signs of intelligent life have been detected in Europe, which makes people suspect the conditions might be right. More research is needed.
Your answer depends on the life form. Conditions under which the life form thrives in the Antarctic Region must be maintained throughout the complete duration of transit from its source to its destination.
For slipstick motion to occur, three conditions are needed: a rough surface to cause friction, a force that exceeds the static friction between the surfaces, and the ability for the surfaces to briefly stick during motion before slipping again due to the force applied.
The three conditions that make life on Earth possible are: presence of liquid water, suitable temperature range, and presence of a stable atmosphere with oxygen.
In Mongolam because he has many tics
1. Two objects touching each other. 2. A force 3.Friction
The three conditions needed for stick-slip motion are static friction exceeding the threshold for motion, build-up of elastic potential energy during the static phase, and sudden release of this energy during the sliding phase causing rapid movement.
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