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Anatomical Divisions are the...

CNS (central nervous system) which consists of the brain and spinal cord. the cns is the bodys neural control center, it receives incoming info (impulses), analyzes and organizes it, and initiates appropriate action.

PNS (peripheral nervous system) which is located outiside of the CNS and consists of nerves and sensory receptors, the PNS carries impulses formed by receptors, such as pain and sound receptors, to the CNS and it carries impulses from the CNS to effectors, glands and muscles that carry out actions directed by the CNS

Functional Divisions are...

Sensory division which carries impulses from sensory receptors to the CNS

Motor division , which carries impulses from the CNS to effectors

the motor division can also be divided into the

SNS (somatic nervous system) which is involved in the voluntary control of the skeletal muscles

ANS (autonomic nervous system) which is involved in the involuntary control of cardiac muscle, smooth muscle and glands

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12y ago
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10y ago

The nervous system includes the brain, the spinal cord, nerves which go to and from the spinal cord, nerves which come from sensory structures like the eye, ear, touch receptors, etc, nerves which go to muscles, as well as neurons which are present in the stomach and intestines which function like a mini-brain.

The nervous system is divided into the Central Nervous System (CNS: brain and spinal cord), and the Peripheral Nervous System (PNS: nerves and ganglia outside the CNS) which is further divided into the somatic(voluntary and sensory) and autonomic (involuntary, automatic) nervous systems.

The autonomic nervous sytem is divided into the sympathetic, parasympathetic, and entericnervous systems.

The sympathetic nervous system is quick acting, like fight-or-flight, whereas the parasympathetic nervous system is generally more relaxing, and the entericnervous system handles the automatic functioning of the digestive system.

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10y ago

The nervous system is split up into two main branches: The central nervous system (CNS) and the peripheral nervous system (PNS). The CNS consists of the neurones found in the spinal cord and brain, the PNS consists of the neurones outside of these areas, from all over your body. The PNS then splits up into two further sections: The somatic nervous system and the autonomic nervous system. You control the somatic nervous system (mainly), so it is under voluntary control, and it regards neurones to skeletal muscles, such as the biceps, triceps, quads, etc. These movements are normally coordinated. The autonomic system is under involuntary control, so you do not control it, it controls viscera. Viscera includes the internal organs. They way I remember it is autonomic = automatic, they both have auto in. The autonomic system is then split into 2 further sections, the sympathetic nervous system and the parasympathetic nervous system. The sympathetic nervous system uses noradrenaline as it's neurotransmitter between the post-ganglyonic neurone and effector, and this system controls the 'fight or flight' response. The parasympathetic nervous system uses acetylcholine instead of noradrenaline and it controls the 'rest and digest' response.

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14y ago

The human nervous system is often divided into two subcategories, the Central nervous system (CNS) and the Peripheral nervous system (PNS).

You never explained their functions.

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9y ago

There are 2 main divisions of the brain the nogin and the scwishy stuff

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Q: What are the two main divisions of the nervous system and what makes up both of them?
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What are the two division of the nervous system?

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