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Full body x-rays can determine what type of fractures they are and if they are symptomatic of abuse, mineral/absorption deficiency of some sort or genectic anomaly that prohibits proper absorption of minerals, calcium, zinc, vit D, etc. Work closely with your child's doctors to get to the bottom of things. If you get no where or too much suspicion is on you then lawyer up. He will help get to the bottom while protecting you from being railroaded with charges you are innocent of. But if you are guilty...confess. You will be given the benefit of the doubt and receive the help you need and your child will be safe. You don't really want to hurt your child. it's just that situations get away from you and you or you let other frustrations bleed over into your home life. You don't want to continue harming your child or stepchild. We know you don't. Get the help you need before it's too late.

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Q: What are three possible reasons a child could have so many fractures?
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Is possible for a father type A and mother type O to have child type B?

Blood type A only has two phenotypes which are IAIA or IAi. For a blood type of B, you have to have IBIB or IBi. So it isn't possible.

What causes a spiral bone fracture with out trauma to bone or body?

Spiral bone fractures, or any fracures for that matter, could be caused by malnourishment of the bones. Weak bones=more breaks and fractures. Bone injury is almost always a result of trauma, however.

What are some reasons for rectal bleeding?

Rectal Bleeding can be caused by many things. Possible causes could be anything from Hemorrhoids to Cancer. Rectal Bleeding can even be related to Diahrrea or Food Poisoning.

Is it possible for a male with A blood type to have a child with a female B blood type who is O?

Yes.... because the father and mother could be carrying the recessive 'O' Trait. the father could be AO and The Mother BO and if you take that and put it in a punnent square you see that there is a 25% chance that the child would have type O blood.

What are the possible blood types of a child if a woman with Type A- blood marries a man with B?

It depends on the genotype of the parents: If they are AO and BO the child could be all of the 4 ABO-Bloodtypes: AO (= bloodtype A) BO (= bloodtype B) AB (= bloodtype AB) OO (= bloodtype O) If they are AA and BB the child could only be bloodtype AB If they are AO and BB the Child could be AB, or B (BO) If they are AA and BO the child could be AB or A (AO) In short, when the genotype is not given, the child can have any of the ABO-Bloodtypes

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Many reasons. Talk to your doctor about this.

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Three possible reasons. Gear in transmission which is plastic could be broke. Cable itself broke or speedometer head in dash broke. Good luck.

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Child support is not dischargeable in bankruptcy. It may be discharged for a number of other reasons: child deceased; child emancipated, etc.

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It is not possible for you unborn child to hate. The unborn child does not have enough complexity to form feelings of hatred.

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No. If they come out with a 4th movie, it could be possible.

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It is possible that he could like her, or just think she is cute.

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It's possible that the child could be either A, B, AB, or O.