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* O can be donated to any type, A can be given to both A and AB, B can be given to both B and AB, AB can only be given to AB. * O can only receive O, A can receive A or O, B can receive B or O, AB can receive any. * Rhesus negative can be given to both negative and positive. Positive can only be given to positive. Positive can receive both positive and negative, negative can only receive negative the organ used, and the blood used for transfusion during transplantation, must be from a donor of the same blood type as the patient. There are not blood types which are generallyincompatible with transplant, only those that are incompatible for specific transplants. The patient's blood type is what is important

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Q: What blood types are compatible for kidney transplant?
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Which blood types are compatible I have no clue and need help.?

O- is compatible with donating to all blood types. AB+ is compatible with receiving from all blood types. All other blood types are on their own with compatibility.

What are the requirements for kidney transplant?

Well obviously your kidney has to be failing. but other than that you have to have below 30% function in your kidney. Note: you can survive with only 1 kidney so its more like below 30% function in 1 kidney When your kidney function is down to 12 -15 % then you will need to do dialysis or have a kidney transplant. For a transplant the donor's kidney has to be suitable for you. Blood types and tissues types are matched to get as close a match as possible. Some body like a close relative is a good donor. The donor should have no major health problems and the recipient should have no other major health problems apart from the kidney failure.

Can blood type B positive live kidney donor give to an O blood type patient?

Type O-negative blood does not have any antigens. It is called the "universal donor" type because it is compatible with any blood type. Type AB-positive blood is called the "universal recipient" type because a person who has it can receive blood of any type. Although "universal donor" and "universal recipient" types may be used to classify blood in an emergency, blood type tests are always done to prevent transfusion reactions.

Are all blood types compatible?

When the body encounters types of blood it is not familiar with, it makes antibodies to attack it. That's why O- is the universal donor. O means it has neither A or B components, and the negative means it does not have specific receptor proteins on it. That's also why someone AB+ can have any type of blood, because the body is used to A components, B components, and receptor proteins.

What blood types are compatible with A negative blood?

The blood type that is compatible with A negative blood are -A and AB-. O+ is compatible, but should only be used in life-threatening emergency. The same should be take in effect for A+

Why do blood types need to match in a transplant?

Of course, the person dies if the blood transfused into him is incompatible with his system.

What are the bean-shaped organs that filter blood?

The Kidneys filter/clean blood. Healthy people have 2 kidneys and if one is damaged the other is able to function alone. Healthy people can donate a kidney to another person if they both have compatible blood types. If a person has 2 failing kidneys they can be treated with a treatment called Dialysis and their blood can be filtered by a machine while they wait for a transplant.

Is O negative compatible with O positive?

type o is compatible with all blood types

Which was not a result of the 1898 discovery of the four blood types?

all blood types made compatible with each other

Which bloods are the most compatible?

O- is compatible with any blood type (giving to that type) AB+ can receive any blood. Other blood types are only compatible with themselves and not each other.

What other blood groups is o positive compatible with?

Type O+ blood is compatible with AB, A+, B+, and O+ blood types. That is, if your blood type is O positive, you can receive AB, A positive, B positive, and O positive blood types.

Is blood type o compatible with blood type rh positive?

Yes, two blood types that are the same are compatible for donation. Either can give or receive blood from the other.