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Most high blood pressure is idiopathic meaning it has no known cause. That being said, there are some common themes among people with high blood pressure besides being overweight. These common themes include a poor diet high in sodium, cholesterol and fat as well as a sedentary lifestyle and a family history of high blood pressure.

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1mo ago

Other factors that can cause high blood pressure include genetics, age, stress, lack of physical activity, excessive salt intake, excessive alcohol consumption, and certain medical conditions such as kidney disease and thyroid disorders. It is important to manage these factors in order to help control and prevent high blood pressure.

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10y ago

High Blood Pressure causes heart attacks, strokes, abnormal heart rhythms and palpitations.

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Q: What can cause high blood pressure besides obesity?
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Can constipation cause high blood pressure?

Constipation itself does not directly cause high blood pressure. However, straining during bowel movements due to constipation can temporarily raise blood pressure. Long-term constipation can also lead to other factors that may contribute to high blood pressure, such as stress or a poor diet.

Does sugar cause sexual weakness in men?

Consuming sugar in moderation is unlikely to directly cause sexual weakness in men. However, excessive sugar intake can contribute to health issues such as obesity, diabetes, and heart disease, which can indirectly affect sexual function. Maintaining a healthy, balanced diet and lifestyle is important for overall sexual health.

Can Rashes cause high blood pressure?

Yes, but there are numerous possibilities for causes of skin rashes. The best thing is to see a doctor.

What causes preeclampsia and eclampsia?

The exact cause of preeclampsia and eclampsia is not fully understood, but it is believed to involve problems with the placenta and blood vessels. Risk factors include a history of high blood pressure, first pregnancy, age over 40, obesity, and certain medical conditions. Preeclampsia involves high blood pressure and protein in the urine, while eclampsia is a severe form that includes seizures.

Can reflex neurogenic bladder result in an increase in blood pressure?

Yes, reflex neurogenic bladder can lead to an increase in blood pressure due to the autonomic dysregulation that is often seen in neurological conditions affecting bladder function. This dysregulation can cause fluctuations in sympathetic nervous system activity, leading to changes in blood pressure.

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The major cause of heart disease in men is smoking, obesity and high blood cholesterol and pressure.

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it can cause diabetes, high blood pressure, and obesity. It is also bad for your kidneys. That is why water is the best liquid to drink. I hope this helped?:)

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Because sugary foods contain excessive amount of carbohydrates which is the major cause of obesity, blood pressure and diabetes.

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