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What Property of water makes it able to support life?

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βˆ™ 15y ago
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βˆ™ 1mo ago

Water's characteristics that support life include its ability to dissolve many substances, its high specific heat capacity, which helps regulate temperature, and its cohesive properties, which allow it to form hydrogen bonds and support cellular functions. Additionally, water's role as a universal solvent and its high surface tension are crucial for various biological processes.

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βˆ™ 13y ago

Three properties that make water a Good supporter of life are: liquid, solid, and gas, at least that's what i put for my 8th grade homework assignment... :)

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βˆ™ 15y ago

What characteristics of water help support life?

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βˆ™ 12y ago

water is odourless

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Q: What characteristics of water help support life?
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What term is used to describe water with too little oxygen to support life?

Hypoxia is the term used to describe water with too little oxygen to support life.

8 characteristics of life?

The eight characteristics of life are cellular organization, reproduction, growth and development, energy utilization, response to stimuli, homeostasis, adaptation, and evolution. These characteristics help distinguish living organisms from non-living matter.

Why is water a more hospitable environment for life then dry land?

Water provides a more stable temperature environment which is crucial for supporting life. It also acts as a medium for dissolved nutrients and gases to support metabolic processes. Additionally, the buoyancy in water helps to support and protect delicate organisms.

What are the components of Earth's life support system?

The components of Earth's life support system include the atmosphere (air), hydrosphere (water), lithosphere (land), and biosphere (living organisms). These systems interact and support life by providing essential resources such as oxygen, water, nutrients, and habitat for organisms to thrive. Any disruptions to these components can have widespread impacts on ecosystems and organisms.

How do soils sustain life?

Soils sustain life by providing a habitat for organisms such as plants, fungi, bacteria, and insects. They also serve as a medium for plant roots to obtain water, nutrients, and support for growth. Additionally, soils help regulate the water cycle and store carbon, playing a crucial role in nutrient cycling and ecosystem stability.

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What are some characteristics of water that help support life?

Water has a high specific heat capacity, helping to maintain stable temperatures in organisms. Its cohesive properties allow for capillary action to transport nutrients in plants and enable organisms to regulate internal water balance. Water's ability to dissolve solutes facilitates biochemical reactions and serves as a medium for metabolic processes in organisms.

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Well Some Life Forms Feed On Them. It Decreases Flooding,And They Help Filter The Water

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No, they not plants on Mars...conditions are not suitable to support life. An underdeveloped atmosphere and no water to support life.

What if there was no water on earth?

Without water, earth would not support life.

What do you call something used to help people float?

A buoyancy aid or a life jacket is commonly used to help people float in water. These devices provide flotation support and help prevent drowning by keeping a person's head above water.

What characteristics of life explains how organisms deal with energy?

water and butter

What characteristics of water make it a necessity for life as we know?

Water is essential for life as we know it because of its unique properties, such as its high specific heat capacity, universal solvent abilities, and cohesive properties. These characteristics allow it to support and sustain biological processes, regulate temperature, transport nutrients, and provide a medium for chemical reactions to occur. Additionally, water's ability to exist in three statesβ€”solid, liquid, and gasβ€”provides the necessary conditions for life to thrive on Earth.

Why Earth's support life?

its the only planet with water

What are the necessary characteristics to the life of an individual?

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