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The blue colored glucose indicator is something called "Benedict".

Glucose has no color to start off with. Once you add benedict to it inside a testube, you have to heat it up in a waterbath. The color you should get it a green, yellow, orange (you should get this color mostly), orange-red, or brick red depending on how much glucose is in the solution.

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Q: What color does the blue colored glucose indicator turn when glucose is present?
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What is the indicator and color change for a positive test for glucose?

Benedict solution is the chemical indicator for simple sugars.

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Depending on the amount of glucose (sugar) that is present, the solution will turn a certain color. The progression goes as follows: blue (no glucose present), green, yellow, orange, red, and then brick red or brown for a very high glucose content.

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That's actually not that difficult. If one wishes to answer this question in depth, feel free, but all one must do is test them separately. Just put glucose and your indicator (most-likley benedict's solution) in separate beakers, and then heat them both. Nothing will happen to either of them.

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What will happen if you pour starch indicator solution into the cell and filled the beaker with starch and glucose solution?

The starch indicator solution will diffuse out of the bag (cell) into the beaker, changing the color of the starch solution to a blue, purple, or black color (assuming that it's iodine). The color of the indicator solution inside the bag will not change, because only the glucose can diffuse into the bag, but the starch cannot diffuse into the bag.

What color change occurs when Benedict indicates glucose is present?

Blue to orange

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Starch is not present. Iodine is an indicator for starch.

Which to use colored red or color in red?

"Colored red" is the correct phrase to use when describing an object that has been given the color red.

What is the noun from colored?

The word 'colored' is the present participle, present tense of the verb to color. The present participle of the verb also functions as an adjective.The word color is both a verb and a noun.The noun 'color' is a word for the property possessed by an object that determines the way the object reflects light; a word for a thing.The noun forms of the verb to color are colorer and the gerund, coloring.