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Because starch and glucose are two different tests and there are different reactions that can occur in the process of these tests.

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Q: What is the colour change in glucose when Benedict's solution is added to it and is heated?
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How does Lugol's solution work as an indicator?

An indicator is a substance that changes colour in the presence of another substance. Let say inside the beaker are substances of both glucose and starch. The glucose and starch are of same colour. By injecting the lugol's solution into the beaker, the lugol's solution changes colour in the area of where starch is, while no colour changes in the presence of glucose. Thus, by using the Lugol's solution which only acts as indicator for starch and not glucose, we could tell part which area floats around with glucose and starch substances. Lugol's solution works as an indicator because it will stain starches due to iodine's interaction with the coil structure of the polysaccharide.

What happens when glucose burns?

glucose is inflammable but the heat will burn the prospect,so glucose will change it's colour ( white to black ) when it turn to black it mean that it's burned

A student adds iodine solution to egg white and waits for a color change How long will the student have to wait for a change?

A student adds iodine solution to egg white and waits for a color change. How long will the student wait?

Add a drop of iodine to both a distilled water test tube and to the test tube containing the starch solution in the test tube What do you observe?

The starch solution will turn black, while the distilled water will remain brown, the same colour as the iodine. This is actually because water, normally used as a control, does not contain any starch and as we know, the iodine test is highly specific for the presence of starch hence no colour change other than iodine dissolving in water to form an iodine solution contrary to starch which we know complexes with iodine, to form starch-iodine complex forming the blue-black colour observed

What happens when iodine is added to a starch solution?

When iodine is added to starch it turns a blackish color due to a chemical reaction.

Related questions

What are the Benedicts test results for glucose?

the solution will turn a 'brick red' colour if positive but will stay blue if negative.

How do you prove there is glucose in a sample?

You can prove there is glucose in a sample by using Benedict's Solution. Heat up the sample, and add the Benedict's Solution. Assuming the solution is clear, if glucose is present it will change colour to red, or yellow, or green. If not, it will stay clear.

What colour does Benedicts solution go with milk any kind of?

Yellow, because milk contains lactose which is a reducing sugar.

What tests are used to test for the presence of starch and glucose?

for the starch iodine test is performed in which the starch reacts with iodine to produce dark blue colour which confirms the presence of starch. for glucose benedict's and fehling's test is performed. benedict's test: 1 ml sample is mixed with 1 ml of benedicts solution and the heated upto boiling if the colur changes to brick red then it confirms the presence of glucose fehling's test: similarly 1 ml fehling's solution I & fehling's solution II each in taken together and to it 1 ml of the sample is takenon then heated uptill boiling. if the colour changes to brick red the it confirms the presence of glucose.

How does Lugol's solution work as an indicator?

An indicator is a substance that changes colour in the presence of another substance. Let say inside the beaker are substances of both glucose and starch. The glucose and starch are of same colour. By injecting the lugol's solution into the beaker, the lugol's solution changes colour in the area of where starch is, while no colour changes in the presence of glucose. Thus, by using the Lugol's solution which only acts as indicator for starch and not glucose, we could tell part which area floats around with glucose and starch substances. Lugol's solution works as an indicator because it will stain starches due to iodine's interaction with the coil structure of the polysaccharide.

Why did glucose test strip change colour after saliva was added?

chemical reaction

What is the function of alkaline solution in Biuret's test?

Alkaline levels are essential for the solution to change colour. Without alkaline levels, the colour of the solution would not be detectable.

What colour of sugar solution on litmus paper?

Litmus does not change color in sugar solution.

Why the Benedict's solution turn brick red colour when testing glucose content in urine?

Copper (I) oxide: Cu2O

How benedict solution prepared?

A Benedict's solution is a solution of sodium citrate, sodium carbonate and copper sulphate, whose colour changes from blue to yellow to red in the presence of reducing sugars such as glucose.

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What happens when glucose burns?

glucose is inflammable but the heat will burn the prospect,so glucose will change it's colour ( white to black ) when it turn to black it mean that it's burned