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Chlorophyll reflects the green portion of the visible light spectrum, this is why most plants appear green in color

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Chlorophyll primarily reflects green light, which is why plants containing chlorophyll appear green to our eyes. This pigment absorbs light in the blue and red spectrum for photosynthesis, while reflecting green light.

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Q: What color of light is reflected by chlorophyll?
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The light reflected most by chlorophyll is?

The light reflected most by chlorophyll is green light. Chlorophyll absorbs red and blue light for photosynthesis, but reflects green light, giving plants their green color.

Which light wavelength and color is reflected by the pigment chlorophyll?


Chlorophyll and chloroplast are usually what color?

Chlorophyll is usually green in color, and chloroplasts, the organelles where chlorophyll is found, are also green. This green color comes from the absorption of red and blue light by chlorophyll, with green light being reflected and giving plants their characteristic color.

What reflected by a plant to give it a green color?

When chlorophyll absorbs light, it aborbs all colors except green. Green light is reflected as the green color seen in leaves.

What color doesn't chlorophyll absorb?

The color of anything is either the color of the light that is reflected from it, or the light that is transmitted through it. The other colors in white light are absorbed. So, since we see leaves as green whether in reflected light or when light shines through them, green is the color which is NOT absorbed.

Why chlorophyll appears green to us in terms of what happens to different wavelengths of light that srike the cholrophyll?

Chlorophyll appears green to us because it absorbs red and blue light wavelengths well, while reflecting or transmitting green light. This means that the green light is what is not absorbed by chlorophyll and is therefore reflected, making chlorophyll's color appear green.

What color light affects plant growth?

red and blue, green light is reflected by chlorophyll give plants their green colour

What is the color of light not reflected by chlorophyll?

Chlorophyll primarily absorbs red and blue light, while green light is not absorbed but instead reflected, giving plants their green color.

What gives a plant is green color?

When chlorophyll absorbs light, it aborbs all colors except green. Green light is reflected as the green color seen in leaves.

What color is not absorbed by chloroplast?

Green is not absorbed by chloroplasts, which is why plants appear green in color as the green light is reflected back to our eyes. This is due to chlorophyll, the pigment responsible for capturing light energy for photosynthesis.

Chlorophyll absorbs every color of light except this?

Chlorophyll absorbs every color of light except green, which is why plants appear green to our eyes. Green light is reflected by chlorophyll, making it the color we perceive in plants.

Which of color is reflected by chlorophy2?

Chlorophyll reflect green color. That is why they appear in green