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Tanya Dach

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In the absence of oxygen, pyruvate (pyruvic acid) is not completely metabolized so it undergoes the process of fermentation instead of respiration.

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Q: What condition's does a cell use fermentation instead of cellular respiration?
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The breakdown of glucose for energy is called?


Why does cellular respiration produce electron carriers instead of ATP?

ATP are energy currency of cells, they provide energy for a particular reaction by breaking down into ADP+inorganic phosphate

What organ does respiration occur in?

Virtually all oxygen using organisms have cellular respiration going on. C.R. is the breakdown of glucose using oxygen to release energy as ATP - so anything - plants, animals, single celled organisms - that take in oxygen and glucose are going to do CR. Organisms that can't tolerate oxygen or run out of oxygen (like your muscles during a strenuous workout) will do fermentation instead. Fermentation will get the job done but respiration releases much more energy per molecule of glucose.

What is involved in the anaerobic phase in fermenting beer?

There are two stages to the kind of anaerobic cellular respiration you are talking about: One (Glycolysis): Glucose is broken down via a process called Glycolysis into Pyruvate. Glycolysis does not require oxygen, therefore it can occur in Aerobic (Oxygen rich) or Anaerobic (Oxygen defficient) settings. Two (Ethanol Fermentation): 1. Pyruvate is converted into Acetylaldehyde and CO2. 2. NADH reduces Acetylaldehyde (gives it a proton/ H molecule) which converts it into ethanol (alhohol.) (Both of these phases can be considered Anaerobic, as no Oxygen is used. Glycolysis occurs in any condition (Aerobic/Anaerobic) but Fermentation occurs only in Anaerobic conditions. Ethanol Fermentation occurs only in Anaerobic conditions and in organisms such as yeast and some bacteria. In animal cells, when not enoguh O2 is present, lactic acid is created as a by-product instead of ethanol. (Remember that episode of The Magic School bus when they were inside someone and there was that white goo on their muscles? That was lactic acid.) The purpuse of cellular respiration is to convert sugars into energy that the body can use (ATP, NADH and FADH2.) It is not very efficitnt, and creates much less energy than Aerobic Cellular Respiration would (which performs Glycolysis and then breaks the resulting pyruvate down into CO2 and H2O.)

Why must cells carry out cellular respiration?

coz ya gay

Related questions

Under what conditions does a use fermentation instead of cellular respiration?

low oxygen

Under what condition does a cell Use fermentation instead of cellular respiration?

low oxygen

Explain why muscles must use lactic acid fermentation instead of cellular respiration during intense physical activity?

Because mammalian muscle cells are genetically programmed to perform lactic acid fermentation, not ethanol fermentation.

How might an organism benefit by carrying Out fermentation instead of cellular respiration?

Organisms prefer cellular respiration over fermentation.Cellular respiration gains a cell 38ATP molecules per every glucose molecule.Fermentation only gains 2ATP per glucose molecule.Obviously, you can see the difference. Cellular respiration provides much more energy for the cell, and this is why they prefer this over fermentation.There are organisms like facultative anaerobes that can preform either process, but they do cellular respiration if oxygen is available. These organisms only preform fermentation if they are in an "oxygen debt." (Like when you run, you are using a lot of energy, and you cannot get enough oxygen for cellular respiration. You are in "oxygen debt," and your muscle cells start doing fermentation. But your muscle cells prefer using aerobic reparation (cellular respiration) so you start panting. Once you get your breath back, oxygen is restored and your cells again preform cellular respiration and get more energy faster.)However, there are still obligate anaerobes that are poisoned by oxygen, and only use fermentation.Hope this helped!!

What type of cellular respiration occurs with oxygen?

Aerobic respiration is the type of cellular respiration that requires oxygen. This process involves the release of glucose for energy.Aerobic respiration requires oxygen to be present because it is the final electron acceptor at the end of the electron transport chain. If it is not present, then the electron can not go through the chain and fermentation will cycle instead. Fermentation is much more inefficient in producing ATP (a differenence of 32 ATP).

Why would an organism use fermentation instead of respiration?

a lack of oxygen

Why would your body go through lactic acid fermentation instead of cellular respiration?

Lactic acid will be the temporary end point of cellular respiration while oxygen supplies are limited, as while enduring exertion. This temporary presense of an excess amount of acid in the muscle tissue is what causes the feeling 'muscle burn'.

What happens when your muscles cells run out of oxygen?

Cells that do not require oxygen go through anaerobic respiration, which is a form of cellular respiration that uses fermentation to turn energy into useful energy. There are two types of anaerobic respiration, lactic acid fermentation and alcohol fermentation. Muscle cells do this when they run out of oxygen and go through fermentation instead. The product of this type of fermentation from muscle cells is lactic acid. Lactic acid is toxic and causes soreness and fatigue. Anybody who has been sore after exercise has experienced lactic acid fermentation.

How does human cells use fermentation?

Fermentation is simply anaerobic cellular respiration where an organic compound is used as an electron acceptor instead of using oxygen. Consequently, lots of types of cells can utilize fermentation. There are examples of both prokaryotes and eukaryotes that are capable of anaerobic respiration. The most common example of fermentation is in the yeast cell, which produces the alcohol found in beer. Another example is the human muscle cell, which produces lactic acid through fermentation when there is not enough oxygen present to continue cellular respiration (such as after a long jog).

What kind of organisms use cellular restpiration?

All of them do except for ones that instead use fermentation

What is fermentation?

Fermentation is the process by which cells release energy (ATP) under anaerobic conditions . Several major products of fermentation are ethanol, lactic acid, and hydrogen gas. Fermentation of sugars by yeast is typically used as the source of ethanol for alcoholic beverages.During glycolysis it makes a net amount of 2 molecules of ATP (energy). Fermentation happens anaerobically (without oxygen) and the reduction of pyruvate into lactate itself does not yield any energy (ATP).The chemical breakdown of a substance, by bacteria,yeast, or other microorganisms typically involving effervescence and the giving off heat*The process of Fermentation involves the making of beer,wine,and liquor, in which sugars are converted to ethyl alcohol.*(archaic)agitation; excitement("I found Paris in high fermentation")

Why do organisms cellular respiration?

Cellular respiration is one of the processes that cells perform. Organisms do not perform this process. Instead they perform respiration. Cells use cellular respiration to obtain one of the three sources needed for them to live- oxygen. Without this process, cells would not be able to perform other functions.