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slightly increasing the temperature within the optimum range

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Q: What conditions would increase enzymatic activity in a bacterial cell that normally thrives in the human body?
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Does enzymatic action in a chemical reaction result in an increase in temperature?

Yes it can, but more commonly an increase in temperature increases enzymatic action.

What are some factors that may influence enzyme activity?

Factors affecting enzyme activity1: Enzyme concentrationIf the quantity of enzyme is doubled, the enzymatic activity will also be doubled because more enzymes are now available to work. After a certain level of enzyme concentration, there will be no more increase in the enzymatic activity because all the substrate molecules are combined with an enzyme and the rate of reaction will stabilize.2: Substrate concentrationBy increasing substrate concentration, enzymatic activity increases. Increasing the substrate further without increasing the enzyme concentration will not affect the enzymatic activity because all the enzymes are occupied by a substrate molecule.3: pH valueSome enzymes require acidic surroundings, most require a more neutral condition for their activity. Change in the pH can change the enzyme's structure and enzyme become useless.4: TemperatureAn increase in temperature of 10 degree celsius doubles the enzymatic activity. Each enzyme has its own optimum temperature at which its enzymatic activity is maximum. Very high temperatures break the bonds that maintain shape of enzyme. If the enzyme denatures, the substrate can not fit in to the active sites and enzyme become useless.

Why does fever increase YOUR bmr?

Not really. Actually, in case of fever, temperature is increased which causes most of the enzymes to be degraded, therefore enzymatic activity get decreased that leads to lowering of the metabolism rate. Thus, BMR is decreased.

Will enzyme activity increase with an increase in temperature?

Warmer temperatures mean little more than that molecules are moving more rapidly. This promotes enzyme activity on its own, however, as movement allows the enzymes to react to more material in a shorter amount of time.

How does the amount of time given affect the rate of the enzymatic reaction?

it will increase the time of the chemical reaction

Does increase in activity increase your bmr?

An increase in activity does in fact increase your BMR depending if you increase the activity everyday if it is only for one day then your BMR won't change that much or it won't change at all

Why do less Americans not increase their activity levels?

Americans do less activity because it do not increase their activity levels because of the physical activity they do is not enough.

What is the tonicity of a bacterial cell?

Isotonic conditions will not change the cell in bacterial or an human cell. Because the water concentration in the cell equal.Hypotonic conditions will increase the solute in the cell because of the osmotic pressure inside the cell. Cell may burst if to much solute is inside the cell. Bacterial and human cell.Hypertonic conditions is said to have osmotic pressure. Because the concentration in the environment has an higher concentration than inside the cell so all the solute will drive out of the cell and cause it to dry out.

Why do less active Americans not increase their activity levels?

Americans do less activity because it do not increase their activity levels because of the physical activity they do is not enough.

Can bacterial infections be caused by and IUD Or a hormonal imabalnce during time of themonth?

IUD can increase infection but it is from sexual activity introducing the bacteria not menstruation. You must seek a doctor's care if you have a pelvic infection.

How do stimulants and depressants affect nerve activity?

stimulants increase activity and depressants decrease activity.

What feature bacterial culture will increase the probability of true motility?
