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mismatch between an individual's ideal self and real self

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Q: What did carl rogers view as a cause of most personal problems and unhappiness?
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Can mixing pleasure and work cause problems?

Usually, it will just cause problems. Work is work and personal life is personal. Best to keep the two separate.

What are some changes that can cause problems?

Losing your job can cause problems with your personal finances. Finding out your husband or wife is cheating on you can can problems in your marriage. Having an auto accident can cause medical problems.

What are the long term cause from drinking too much alcohol?

liver damage, destroyed skin that makes you look old and used up, stomach and digestive problems, malnutrition, candida (very bad), unhappiness, and shallow personal relationships. Moderation is the key to everything in life

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What does 'to cast a shadow' mean?

A feeling or cause of gloom or unhappiness

Money is the root cause of all your Unhappiness?

That depends on how the person with the money spends it.

Humanistic therapist would probably argue that the major cause of unhappiness in people is because of?

Humanistic therapist would probably argue that the major cause of unhappiness in people is because of a gap between one's ideal and real self.

What was one cause of the colonial unhappiness with British rule in 1776?

Unfair taxation policies

Whst does dismay mean?

Dismay means unhappiness or distress. When one is caused these emotions it will cause them to cause feel dismayed.

What are the short term and long term consequences of ozone depletion for Antarctica?

Short term can cause personal problems. Long term can cause global warming.

When the president is not happy with an ambassador or his country he is declared to be?

Of course he is declared to be. The president's unhappiness does not cause him to stop existing. To be or not to be: that is not the question.

How was paines talent for persuasion also a major cause of his unhappiness?

Because he inflamed the soldiers and made them reminisce the war.