

What might cause one to become anorexic?

Updated: 8/16/2019
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Q: What might cause one to become anorexic?
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How can you become anorexic when you love food?

because people like me ... we hate food its our worst enemy your staving yourself ... to become thinner you cant just become Anorexic you know ... its a decease in the mind. you don't just become it some are born with it! if you want to be anorexic you will be a wanmanorexic anorexic is a mental condition in the brain where as a wannanoriexic isn't it means you want the decease. or to be like one.

Isolate the cause of anorexia?

There is no exact one cause of anorexia. Some causes are... * Dieting gone too far or out of control * Depression, BDD (Body Dismorphic Disorder), distorted body image, OCD or "perfectionist" problems * Media portrayal of "thin is good", peer pressure (some dispute these, though) * Genetics / Biological (if your parent was anorexic, there is a higher chance you might become anorexic, too) * Insecurities about one's body * Stressful lives, people thinking that food is the only thing they can "control"

Who made the 'fat' insult that caused Karen Carpenter to become anorexic?

It seldom is ever just one person who makes a mean comment about weight that forces someone to become anorexic. Often, it takes many comments of some period of time for the person to begin to develop their anorexic tendencies. Usually it is coupled with low self esteem and low body image.

What can cause hyperalbumenemia in dogs with no other abnormal lab findings the dog is anorexic but no other symptoms?

You can't get an anorexic dog, they must be ill take them to the vets. This is what happened to one of my dogs, it was just her teeth falling out.

Is one doing the right thing if they become anorexic?

No. It will cause you medical problems and can eventually lead to death. Find more appropriate methods of controlling your weight. In my opinion - eating healthy and staying active is a much better alternative.

Is someone in glee anarexic?

well i think they accused lea michel of being anorexic but its not true. so no. no one in glee is anorexic. if they were, they wouldn't be on glee. they would be getting help. and plus you can kind of tell when someone is anorexic.

Describe a situation that might cause a stream channel to become braided?

One circumstance in which braided streams form is at the end of a glacier where there is a large seasonal variation in dicharge.

How can one be fit?

if you wanna be fit you need to do lots of exersize have a balanced diet. dont never have any sugar cause your body needs a source of sugar to keep you energised but on the other hand dont have to much sugar and become fat because this is aseroius health problem.also dont stop eating altogether and become anorexic just have a healthly balenced diet. libby x

Are you anorexic if you eat one meal a day?

You're only anorexic ifyou have a morbid fear of becoming fatterfeel that you are fat even when your weight is below normal

Can you get stomach ulcers if your anorexic?

One of the many problems that you would be ailing with.

Is Zayn Malik anorexic?

No, Zayn Malik from One Direction is not anorexic its his religion (Muslim) That he only eats Bread and Drinks Water by the end of a month. He is totally fine :)

How many people out of 30 have anorexia?

Roughly 1 in every 250 people is anorexic. That equates to about 0.12 (less than one) out of every 30 people is anorexic.