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Interneurone or relay neurone

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Q: What do you call the neurone that connects the sensory and motor neurone together?
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Which type of neurone transmits the impulse from a motor to a sensory neurone?

No, not directly. Some sensory neurons can detect the effect of a motor neuron firing.

What is the main function of a connecting neuron?

To take the signal from the sensory neurons to the motor neurons or other integrative neurons

What is the name of a neuron that transmits neural impulse from the sensory neuron to the motor neuron?

A relay neurone passes impulses from a sensory neurone to a motor neurone.

What transmits impulses between sensory and motor?

The Relay Neurone

What is a relay nerve cells?

Interneuron (relay neurone) Relays messages from sensory neurone to motor neurone. which make up the brain and spinal cord

What is the path that nervous impulse takes through the nervous system?

sensory neurone --> enters spinal cord --> relay neurone --> brain(is not a reflex action) or motor neurone(if action is reflex)

What connects the motor neurons to the sensory neurons?

What connects sensory and motor neuron is the impulse called interneuron or connector neuron are connected by means of electrical impulse called synape from sensory to motor neuron.

What is the main function of interneuron?

interneurons are located in the brain and spinal cord. They are stimulated by signals reaching them from sensory neurons. they process that information and send a response through the motor neurons.

What neurons are involved in a reflex?

3 neurons are included in the reflex arc. They are: Afferent neurons (take the message to the spinal cord) (sensory) Association neurons (directs message to the efferent neuron and the brain) (report reflex to the brain) Efferent neurons (takes message to effector) (motor) Not all reflexes have interneurons.

What does a interconnecting neurone do?

Are the nuerones that pass nerve impulses from sensory neurons to the motor neurons.

What are the type of nerve cells?

There are three different types of neurone: sensory, relay and motor - which are involved in a reflex arc.

What is an internueron?

A cell that connects sensory and motor pathways for reflexes.