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Invasive Diagnostic equipment is any equipment that one uses internally. Invasive diagnostics may be any thing ranging from a needle that punctures the skin or an incision done in surgery.

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Q: What does Invasive Diagnostic equipment mean?
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Are there non-invasive procedures that are considered treatment instead of only diagnostic in nature

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What are the two main categories of diagnostic examination?

Most broadly speaking, invasive vs non-invasive... though some would argue it's more of a scale of invasion. Consider a patient who goes to a hospital appointment with suspected cancer in their abdomen... on examination, the doctor would look at the patient, feel the relevant parts of their body, maybe listen to heart/lung/bowel sounds with a stethoscope, maybe look at their eyes with an otoscope. Those are all non-invasive. After this, taking blood and getting a urine sample would be a bit more "invasive". CT scanning or MRI is still quite non-invasive. A diagnostic laparotomy - where surgeons literally open someone's body to look at what may be going on - is fairly invasive.

What is diagnostic radiology used for?

Diagnostic radiology is used as it's name suggests, for diagnosing problems within the human body without using invasive techniques. Xrays are best used for identifying issues with bones or other dense matter.