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Biochemical reactions in photosynthesis that produce organic molecules from carbon dioxide, that do not need light. This means that the aforementioned processes are 'independent of light'.

N.B. Light refers to sunlight

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Q: What does the light independent reactions mean?
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How are light dependent and independent reactions related?

The products of light-dependent reactions are used in light-independent reactions.

What Light-independent reactions of the photosynthesis are also known as the?

The Calvin cycle does not require light, these reactions are also called the Light Independent reactions.

What light-independent reactions do plants produce?

The light-independent reactions occur in the storm of the chloroplast. The light- independent reactions are "independent" from light so they can happen else where. The light-dependent reactions happen in the thylakoid membrane of the chloroplast where the light is absorbed, and the reactions depend on the light.

The initial reactions in photosynthesis are know as the?

The initial reactions in photosynthesis are the light dependent reactions and the light independent reactions

What products from the light dependent reactions are used in the light independent reactions to make a 6 carbon sugar?

Glucose, NADP and ADP

Where do the light- independent reactions occur?

light independent reactions take place in thylakiods- more specifically in the thylakiod membranes of chloroplasts.

What are the two stage of photosyntesis?

A series of light-dependent reactions that are temperature independent, and a series of temperature-dependent reactions that are light independent.

What is the difference between the light dependent reactions and the light independent reactions?

light dependent reactions only occur in light this means thier reations increases with light intensity while light independent can occur in the dark

What are light independent and dependent reactions?

Light dependent reactions are reactions the capture light energy and convert it into chemical energy(ATP). It occur in the chloroplast of plant cells Light independent reactions are reactions capture energy and use it to produce food . It does not need sunlight

What are products of the light independent reactions?

The main purpose of the light independent reaction is to produce glucose.

Are the reactions of photosynthesis?

There are two reactions. Those are light dependent and independent.

How do carbon dioxide molecules enter the light dependent reactions?

false its light independent reactions