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Diffusion across the cell membrane is impaired

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Q: What doesn't occur as a cell grows larger in size?
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Explain the relationship between cell surface area and volume as a cell grows larger?

As the volume of a cell grows, the surface area grows but not as quickly.

How does a cell's ratio of surface area to volume change as the cell grows larger?

As the cell grows larger the ratio of surface area to volume increases. Larger cell = more volume for the amount surface area.

What are some of the problems a cell faces as it grows larger and larger?

its like wind and a dirt combined with mitosis

How does cell's ratio of surface area to volume change as the cell grows larger?

because it has the surface area of volume

Why a cell grows larger the surface area of the cell increases much more rapidly than the volume of the cell True or false?


Where does the fertillisation of an egg by a sperm cell occur?

Usually in the womb, but fertilisation can occur in the fallopian tubes, which can lead to complications as the foetus grows.

Why does the growth of a cell slow down as it gets larger?

As a cell gets larger, in order to continue growing, the amount of mass needed grows exponentially. As such, the amount of energy needed grows as well. Without this extra energy, the growth slows down.

Advantages of cell differentiation?

The result is that an organism grows larger.

What occurs during the interphase?

The cell grows larger and increases the number of organelles in it. DNA is replicated semi conservatively. In summary, the cell prepares itself for the next nuclear division.

When the cell grows larger and gets more content will it need more or less cell membrane to survive?

It will need more cell membrane to cover it but cells only grow a certain size before they will no longer be efficient.

What are the differences between single cell organisms and multi cell organisms?

Growth in single-celled organisms occurs as the cell grows larger. Growth in multi-celled organisms grow mainly by increasing their number of cells.

What takes place during interphase?

The cell grows, matures, and replicates it's DNA. The cell is preparing for cell division.