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Nitrogen is the element found in every amino acid molecule, but not in carbohydrates and fats. It is essential for building proteins, which are made up of amino acids. Carbohydrates and fats are composed mainly of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen.

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Q: What element is in every amino acid molecules except carbonhydrate and fat molecules?
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Is an amino acid a carbonhydrate?

No. The amino acids are the monomers of proteins, while the carbohydrates or sugars are hydrogen-carbon molecules that are the main (or the first) molecule sources to form energy, mainly in the form of ATP.

What organic molecules contains the element nitrogen?

Amino acids (and thus proteins).

Is oxygen present in protein but not in fats?

Nitrogen is the element present in all proteins except carbohydrates and fats. Amino acids make up all proteins, and they contain the amino group NH2, except for carbohydrates and fats.?æ

What element transports and positions amino acids?

The element that transports and positions amino acids is tRNA (transfer RNA). tRNA molecules carry specific amino acids to the ribosome during protein synthesis and ensure that the correct amino acid is added to the growing polypeptide chain according to the sequence of mRNA.

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The body can use various precursor molecules such as glucose, fatty acids, and other amino acids for the synthesis of nonessential amino acids, excluding water which is not a direct precursor for amino acid synthesis.

What type of Molecule is needed to form protein molecules?

Amino acids are the molecules needed to form protein molecules. Proteins are made up of long chains of amino acids.

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Amino acids

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What smaller molecules make protein molecules?

Protein molecules are made up of smaller molecules called amino acids. Amino acids are the building blocks of proteins and are linked together in a specific order to form a protein molecule.

What molecules form protiens when linked together with covalent bonds?

Amino acids are the molecules that form proteins when linked together by covalent bonds. The covalent bonds between amino acids are called peptide bonds, and the chain of amino acids linked together by these bonds forms a polypeptide chain, which then folds into a functional protein.