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dairy products





sour cream

cheese / soft and hard


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13y ago
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1mo ago

Foods made using microorganisms include yogurt, cheese, sauerkraut, kimchi, beer, wine, and sourdough bread. Microorganisms such as bacteria, yeast, and mold play a vital role in the fermentation and production of these foods.

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15y ago

* all milk products * all alchoholic drinks

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Q: What foods are made using microorganisms?
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Is this true or false You can see smell and taste microorganisms?

False. Microorganisms are too small to be seen with the naked eye. They can only be observed using a microscope. Smelling and tasting microorganisms are also not possible because they are too small to produce detectable odors or flavors.

Are actinosphaerium a hetero or autotroph?

Actinosphaerium is a heterotroph. It feeds on small microorganisms such as bacteria and other protists by engulfing them using its pseudopods.

How were Microorganisms discovered?

Microorganisms were discovered by Anton van Leeuwenhoek, a Dutch scientist, in the 17th century. He observed them using a single-lens microscope he developed, and was the first to document the existence of bacteria and other microorganisms.

What discoveries have been made using a microscope?

Using a microscope, scientists have discovered the existence of microorganisms like bacteria and viruses, leading to breakthroughs in medicine and understanding of infectious diseases. Additionally, researchers have made advancements in studying cellular structures, genetics, and nanotechnology, providing insights into various biological processes and materials at the microscopic level.

What are 3 helpful things microorganism can do?

Some microorganisms can be beneficial. I will list three ways below and describe it. 1)Composting- Effective microorganisms can be made into a brew that can be added to the waste material in the composter. The microorganisms help break down the waste and provide plant nutrients. 2)Yogurt drinks- Some yogurt drinks contain effective microorganisms as a supplement. Certain types of these microorganisms are known to promote mental clarity. 3) Agriculture- Effective types of microorganisms improve the health of the soil and allow for the production of healthy crops.

Related questions

How is another product is made by using the processes of microorganisms?

By the soil and by the cow poop

Which foods contain good microorganisms?


What is a list of foods found using bacteria?

Perhaps you mean to ask for foods made using bacteria?

Foods that allow microorganisms to grow are called parasites.?

No. A parasite is an organism that lives at the expense to and causes harm to another organism. Foods that allow microorganisms to grow are media (singular medium).No. If the foods might allow pathogenic microorganisms to grow, they are called potentially hazardous.

Are Foods that allow microorganisms to grow are called parasites?

No, foods that allow microorganisms to grow are not called parasites. Parasites are organisms that live in or on another organism and obtain benefits at the host's expense. When microorganisms grow on food, they typically lead to spoilage, not parasitism.

What is the name for foods containing live microorganisms?


How do microorganism reach your food?

Microorganisms can reach your food for several different reasons. Some foods and drinks are made with microorganisms as an ingredient such as the bacteria used to make cheese. Other microorganisms can come from someone handling food without washing their hands or several other sources.

Is the burger made of microorganisms?

No. An uncooked or undercooked burger contains microorganisms, but the burger itself is made from cattle, which are definitely not microorganisms.

What types of foods can be made using gluten substitutes?


Is a burger made using micro organisms?

Kind of. Microorganisms are used to produce the cheese (Lactobacillus) and the bread (Saccharomyces).

Is it only the microorganisms on food that cause food poisoning?

No. Many foods contain toxins (think mushrooms) which must be removed to make foods safe to eat. But microorganisms can also make food unsafe.

How can microorganisms can be observerd?

by using microscope