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the cytoskeleton

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Animal cells are given their shape and sturdiness by the cytoskeleton, which is a network of protein filaments that provide structural support and help maintain cell shape. The cytoskeleton also plays a role in cell movement, division, and intracellular transport.

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Q: What gives animal cells their shape and sturdiness?
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What gives the cell its shape and provides protection but not found in animal cells?

The cell wall gives the cell its shape and provides protection, and is not found in animal cells. It is a rigid layer that surrounds the cell membrane in plant cells, fungi, and some bacteria, providing structure and support to the cell.

Why is the animal cell does not have a fixed shape?

Animal cells do not have a fixed shape because they lack a rigid cell wall found in plant cells. This allows animal cells to change shape, move, and perform various functions more dynamically. The cell's shape can be influenced by its internal structures, external environment, and interactions with other cells.

What are some differences between animal and plant cells for fourth grade?

Animal cells have centrioles, which plant cells lack. Plant cells have a cell wall and chloroplasts for photosynthesis, while animal cells do not. Animal cells usually have a round or irregular shape, whereas plant cells often have a rectangular shape.

How can someone determine whether they are plant or animal cells?

Plant cells have cell walls, chloroplasts, and large central vacuoles, while animal cells do not. Plant cells also have a fixed rectangular shape, while animal cells are more irregular in shape. Additionally, plant cells have plasmodesmata for communication between cells, whereas animal cells do not.

Which part of the animal cell is for support?

An animal cell does not have support, thus it has a indefinite shape. Only plant cells have a cell wall, which supports it and gives it a rectangular shape. the cell membrane keeps the cell together, but not support.

Related questions

What gives animals cells shape and sturdiness?

the cytoskeleton

What gives animals their shape and sturdiness?


What organelle gives the cell its shape and provides protection and is not found in an animal cell?

The cell wall is the organelle that gives plant cells their shape and provides protection by acting as an extra layer outside the cell membrane. Animal cells do not have cell walls; instead, they have a flexible cell membrane that gives them shape and structure.

Which part of the cell gives form shape and protection?

The cell membrane in animal cells and the cell wall in plant cells give the cell its form, shape, and protection.

What gives the cell its shape and provides protection but not found in animal cells?

The cell wall gives the cell its shape and provides protection, and is not found in animal cells. It is a rigid layer that surrounds the cell membrane in plant cells, fungi, and some bacteria, providing structure and support to the cell.

How are animal cells and plantcells diff?

Animal cells do not have a cell wall or chloroplasts, while plant cells do. Plant cells also have a large central vacuole and are typically rectangular in shape, whereas animal cells are rounder in shape. Additionally, plant cells rely on photosynthesis for energy production, while animal cells do not.

What does the cell wal do?

The cell wall gives a plant cell shape and structure. Animal cells do not have walls, they have membranes.

What gives the animal cell's shape and strength?

The cytoskeleton, made up of proteins like actin and microtubules, gives animal cells their shape and strength. These structures provide support and help maintain the cell's overall structure during various cellular processes.

Do plant and animal cells have the same shape?

No, animal cell has a abnormal shape and a plant shape is square because it's cell wall holds it that shape.

Why is the animal cell does not have a fixed shape?

Animal cells do not have a fixed shape because they lack a rigid cell wall found in plant cells. This allows animal cells to change shape, move, and perform various functions more dynamically. The cell's shape can be influenced by its internal structures, external environment, and interactions with other cells.

Why do plant cells have a cell and animal cell does not?

Becuse plant cells need structure and the cell wall gives it that and it also gives it a defined shape and animals have spines instead so it is not needed/used.

How is the shape of a animal cell different from plant cell?

Plant cells generally have a rectangular, rigid shape. Animal cells generally are rounded in shape.