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cell wall

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Q: What gives the cell its shape and provides protection but not found in animal cells?
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What give the plant cell it's shape and provides protection not found in animal cells?

cell wall

What organelle gives the cell its shape and provides protection and is not found in an animal cell?

cell wall

What is th function of mitochondria in cells?

It takes half of the food you eat and burns it into energy for the plant or animal it can be found in animal cells or plant cells.

Are vesicles found in animal cells?

they are found in animal cells

Are lysosomes found in animal cells?

yes they are found in animal cells, but not plant cells.

Are vacuoles found in plant or animal cells?

The organelle, the vacuole is found in both plant and animal cells. In animal cells they are small and are associated with the colelction and disposal of waste/ by-products within the cell. In plants the vacuole is large and provides internal structure and pressue within the cell, contributing to the shape and rigidity of the plant cell.

Is Mitochondrion found in plant cells and animal cells?

It is found in both Animal and Plant cells.

Which of these is NOT found in animal cells?

The following are found in plant cells and NOT in animal cells: -plasmodesmata -chloroplasts -large central vacuoles -cell wall -tonoplast The following are found in animal cells and NOT in plant cells: -lysosomes -centrioles -flagella (although some are found in plant sperm)

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What is found in animal cells but not in animal cells?


Is microvilli found in animal cells or plant cells?

animal cells

Are mitochandria found in plant cells and animal cells?

found in both plant as well as animal cells