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RNA polymerase is guided to the correct place.

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Q: What happens before DNA transcriptions begins?
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What happens right before RNA polymerase begins to work?

The DNA double helix unwinds.

What happens right before RNA polymerase begins work?

The DNA double helix unwinds.

Before mitosis begins which happens before the nucleus starts dividing?

Before the nucleus starts dividing the process of DNA copying takes place

What copies themselves before mitosis begins?

Deoxyribonucleic Acid (DNA)

What makes proteins according to the instructions given by DNA?

Ribosomes synthesize proteins after receiving tRNA transcriptions of DNA.

Silencers are sites in DNA that?

bind repressor proteins to inhibit the start of transcriptions

During what part of the mitosis does the DNA replicate?

the DNA replicates before mitosis begins

What happens at the end of transcriptions?

The transcription process stops.mRNA detaches and moves to the ribosomesTranscription is the first step of gene expression, in which a particular segment of DNA is copied into RNA by the enzyme RNA polymerase.

During what part of the mitosis process dose the DNA replicate?

The DNA replicates before mitosis begins

What must happen before meiosis begins?

A duplication of the chromosomes is what must happen before meiosis can begin.

What happens before meiosis?

DNA Replication. Before meiosis actually begins, the DNA that is packaged into chromosomes must be fully copied. Previous to replication, a germ cell contains two copies of each chromosome, a maternal copy, and a paternal copy

What is the process by which a cell makes a copy in meiosis?

Before meiosis begins, the cell copies its DNA in the process of DNA replication.