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It is released as heat.

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The 62 percent of the total energy of glucose that is not used to make ATP is released as heat during cellular respiration. This excess energy is a byproduct of the energy conversion processes that occur in the cell.

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Q: What happens to the 62 percent of the total energy of glucose that is not used to make?
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What happens to the 62 percent of the total energy of glucose that is not used to make ATP molecules?

The 62 percent of the total energy of glucose that is not used to make ATP molecules is released as heat during cellular respiration. This released heat helps to maintain the body's temperature and is a byproduct of metabolism.

What type of transport is used during glucose reabsorbtion?

Passive transport is used during glucose reabsorption in the kidneys. This process involves the movement of glucose molecules across the renal tubular cells down their concentration gradient without the need for energy.

What is the total ATP generated for 1 molecule of glucose using oxidative phosphorylation in eukaryotes?

Approximately 30-32 ATP molecules are generated from 1 molecule of glucose during oxidative phosphorylation in eukaryotes. This process occurs in the mitochondria and involves the electron transport chain and ATP synthase to produce ATP from the energy released during the breakdown of glucose.

How many ATP molecules are produced per molecule of glucose during glycolysis?

During glycolysis, a total of 2 ATP molecules are produced per molecule of glucose. This energy is generated through substrate-level phosphorylation during the conversion of glucose to pyruvate.

Why is cellular respiration considered an efficient process?

Cellular respiration is considered efficient because it extracts a high amount of energy from glucose molecules in the form of ATP. It involves a series of reactions that efficiently convert chemical energy from glucose into ATP, which is the cell's primary energy source. This process occurs in multiple steps, allowing for a controlled release of energy and maximizing the amount of ATP produced from each glucose molecule.

Related questions

What happens to the 62 percent of the total energy of glucose that is not used to make ATP molecules?

The 62 percent of the total energy of glucose that is not used to make ATP molecules is released as heat during cellular respiration. This released heat helps to maintain the body's temperature and is a byproduct of metabolism.

Why can 18 times as much ATP be generated from glucose in the presence of oxygen than when oxygen in not available?

The Krebs Cycle and ETC enable the cell to produce 34 more ATP molecules per glucose. The 62 percent of the total energy of glucose that is not used to make ATP molecules is released as heat.

In a energy conversion what happens to the total amount of energy?

It stays constant

How much percent of total energy produced by plants?

90% does they get

What is the name for the minimum energy expended to keep a resting awake body alive and represents a total of 60 percent to 70 percent of total energy expenditure?

Basal Metabolism (BMR)

How much nuclear energy is produced?

In the US, 19 percent of total electricity. In the world, about 16 percent

Is it possible to access 100 percent of the suns energy?

No. Less thsan one percent of the Sun's total energy falls anywhere near Earth.

What always happens when an energy transformation occurs?

The total amount of energy remains the same.

Calculate the efficiency of glycolysis if 12 kcal of energy are required to transfer energy from glucose to ATP?

To calculate the efficiency of glycolysis, first determine the total energy input from the glucose molecule that is available for ATP production. Next, determine the actual energy produced in ATP molecules. Finally, divide the energy produced by the total input energy and multiply by 100 to get the efficiency as a percentage.

What is the mass percent of a solution formed by dissolving 50 g of glucose in 1000 g of water?

The total mass of the solution is the sum of the mass of the solute (glucose) and the mass of the solvent (water), which is 50 g + 1000 g = 1050 g. The mass percent of the solute (glucose) in the solution is the mass of the solute divided by the total mass of the solution, multiplied by 100. Therefore, the mass percent of glucose in the solution is (50 g / 1050 g) x 100 = 4.76%.

How can i make a 10 percent glucose solution from 50 percent glucose solution?

Let's say the total solution is 100 liters. 50 of the liters is glucose and 50 is water. We want to make the 50 glucose equal to 10% of the total solution. For that to happen, we need to make the total solution 500 liters (50 of the 500 would be a 10% solution). So we add 400 liters of water to the original 100 liter (50/50) solution. Take the total number of units and multiply by 4. Add that much in water.

How do you make 10 percent glucose solution?

To make a 10% glucose solution, dissolve 10g of glucose in 90mL of water. Mix well until the glucose is completely dissolved. This will give you a total volume of 100mL of 10% glucose solution.