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Once inside a cell, the virus releases its DNA or RNA (which contains the information needed to create new virus particles) and takes control of some aspects of the cell's metabolism. The components of the virus are then manufactured inside the cell and must be properly assembled for the virus to be released and remain infectious.

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11y ago

In the lytic cycle, the viral DNA can maintain a separate existence from the host DNA, but the host DNA replicates the viral DNA. The replicated viruses eventually become so numerous that the cell bursts releasing the new viruses which can then affect more cells. Another viral mechanism, the lysogenic cycle, involves combining the viral DNA with the host DNA, which will be passed on to daughter cells during cell reproduction. Eventually, during unfavorable, conditions, the lytic cycle will occur, and the infected cells will start replicating viruses, which will then eventually cause the cell to burst, releasing the new viruses.

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The process is performed by reversed transcriptase protein and is called reverse transcription.

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Q: What happens to the host DNA when a viral DNA enters?
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B) Lysogenic