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They die because they are unable to produce energy and function. And shrink

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Blood is specifically what brings oxygen to cells. Since oxygen is exchanged between blood vessels and surrounding tissue by osmosis, oxygen-starved cells will rapidly receive this oxygen.

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Q: What happens when the blood reaches cells that do not have enough oxygen?
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What happens when blood reaches tissue that doesnt have enough oxygen?

Once oxygenated blood reaches the capillaries, the velocity of the blood is very slow - which favours the exchange of oxygen. Oxygen therefore diffuses across the walls of the capillaries into the tissues that need it.

What happens when the blood reaches tissues or cells that do not have enough oxygen?

The oxyhaemoglobin will break down and oxygen will release. :)

What happens to the oxygen when it reaches the alveoli?

oxygen enters the blood and carbon dioxide

What happens when blood reaches the vein?

Blood flows through veins after delivering oxygen to the body.

What happens to the blood when it reaches the lungs?

The blood is oxygenated that is oxygen which has been inhaled is added to the blood and the blood then transports it to other body parts.

What happens when blood reaches tissues?

When blood reaches the tissues, cells, and organs via the capillaries, materials diffuse across the capillary wall so that the cells, tissues, and organs receive nutrients and oxygen, and eliminate wastes.

What happens when fresh air containing oxygen reaches the lungs?

The red blood cells pick it up from the air and take it through the blood stream to the cells in the body.

What happens to the oxygen when it reaches the blood?

As blood passes through lungs, there is exchange of oxygen and carbon bi oxide, from high concentration to low concentration and oxygen enters the blood from air to blood to make it oxygen rich.

Oxygen reaches all parts of an animals body when?

Oxygen reaches all parts of an animal's body when it inhales via the lungs, and the oxygen enters the blood stream. The heart then pumps these oxygenated blood cells to the rest of the body.

What happens to the blood when it reaches the kidneys?

the kidneys clean it by removing the waste from the blood

What happens when your oxygen saturation drop when you are on and off the ventilator?

When your oxygen saturation levels drop, your blood is not carrying enough oxygen to provide your body the levels it needs. If they drop low enough, your body will shut down and you can die. If you are hooked to a ventilator, this will help the body increase the oxygen saturation levels in your blood, potentially saving your life.

Why does blood circulate from the heart to the lungs?

The oxygen poor blood (not enough oxygen) goes to the lungs to get more oxygen to turn into oxygen rich blood (has plenty of oxygen)