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shoulder dislocation
shoulder dislocation

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1mo ago

Anterior dislocation of the shoulder occurs when the head of the humerus moves into the axilla. This injury typically causes pain, swelling, and restricted range of motion in the shoulder. Treatment may involve reducing the dislocation followed by physical therapy to regain strength and mobility.

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13y ago

Shoulder has been dislocated.

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Q: What injury occurs when the head of the humerus moves into the axilla?
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Why is the shoulder joint also called the glenohumeral joint?

The shoulder joint is called the glenohumeral joint because it is formed by the articulation of the head of the humerus (upper arm bone) with the glenoid cavity of the scapula (shoulder blade). Gleno- refers to the glenoid cavity, which is part of the scapula, and humeral refers to the humerus bone.

What type of joint movement occurs when a muscle moves a limb toward the mid line of the body?

Adduction movement occurs when a muscle moves a limb towards the midline of the body. This movement decreases the angle between the limb and the body.

What process occurs as water moves from a higher concentration to a lower concentration through a semipermeable membrane?

Osmosis is the process that occurs when water moves from a higher concentration to a lower concentration through a semipermeable membrane. In osmosis, water molecules pass through the membrane to equalize the concentration of solutes on both sides.

Fertilization of the egg occurs in the?

Fertilization of the egg typically occurs in the fallopian tube, where sperm travels to meet the egg released from the ovary during ovulation. The fertilized egg then moves down the fallopian tube to the uterus, where it implants to develop into a pregnancy.

How many joints are in the elbow?

Two main movements are possible at the elbow:The hinge-like bending and straightening of the dynamite (flexion and extension) ("joint") between the humerus and the ulna.The complex action of turning the forearm over (pronation or supination) happens at the articulation between the radius and the ulna (this movement also occurs at the wrist joint).The hinge moves in only one plane.In the anatomical position (with the forearm supine), the radius and ulna lie parallel to each other. During pronation, the ulna remains fixed, and the radius rolls around it at both the wrist and the elbow joints. In the prone position, the radius and ulna appear crossed.Most of the force through the elbow joint is transferred between the humerus and the ulna. Very little force is transmitted between the humerus and the radius. (By contrast, at the wrist joint, most of the force is transferred between the radius and the carpus, with the ulna taking very little part in the wrist joint). (Source wikipedia)

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The axillary artery moves oxygenated blood to the the upper limbs, axilla and thorax. :)

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Speed occurs when a body moves with respect to some frame of reference.

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Does the scapula have any movement?

Yes it has. The Scapula and humerus forms the shoulder joint and they both coordinate to give overhead abduction, that is abduction above 90 degrees. for every 30 degree movement of the arm or the humerus the scapula moves by 10 degrees. We cannot have overhead abduction is our scapula is stabilized or does not move.

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