

What is Hermione Granger's blood type?

Updated: 4/28/2022
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13y ago

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Nobody, except JK Rowling, knows Hermione Granger's blood type. Her blood status, however, is Muggle-born. Both of her parents are muggles and possess no magical powers. The foul name Draco Malfoy calls Hermione to remind her of her status is "Mudblood." It means that she has "dirty blood," as Draco thinks all muggle-borns worth less because of their blood status.

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The grangers were most similar to which political group?

Answer is :populist,===============================================================the answer is populists

I have blood type A, and I know that somehow type A is different from the other types, but I would like to know what they are.?

If you have blood type a you can donate blood to other people who have type a blood and to people who have type ab blood. People with type a blood are said to have thicker blood than the other blood types.

What was Goebbels' blood type?

Himmler's blood type was AB

What two blood types are not compatible?

More than just two blood types are not compatible with each other. The four basic types of blood are: A, B, AB, O(not counting Rh). Type A blood can only receive blood from type A and type O. However, type A blood can donate their blood to type A and type AB. Type B blood can only receive blood from type B and type O. However, type B blood can donate their blood to type B and type AB. Type AB blood can receive blood from every type, A, B, AB, and O. However, type AB blood can only donate to other AB. Type O blood can only receive blood from type O. However, type O can donate their blood to A, B, AB, and O. So, AB is the "universal" reciepient and O is the "universal" donor.

What blood type is a universal donor and what blood type is a universal receiver?

Blood type O is a universal donor of all blood types but can only receive from blood type O. Blood type AB is the only blood type that is a universal receiver of any blood type, but can only receive from blood type AB.

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Who were the Grangers?

The Grangers are a family in Harry Potter. Hermione Granger, the daughter, is very smart. Mr. and Mrs. Granger are dentists, plus her parents are muggles, but Hermione is a wizard. That is why Draco calls her "a mudblood" in the second movie. So that is the Granger family.

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it's simply threaded beads sewn onto a purple black purse:)

What is Heroine grangers favourite colour?

Blue is a color that radiates both calmness and intelligence, two traits that fits Hermione perfectly.

Did Draco malfoy save Hermione grangers's life?

No, it was the other way around: the Trio saved Draco's life in the final battle - twice.

Who is Hermione's Grangers maid-of-honor?

Rowling does not provide any information on this, but it probably would have been Ginny.

What movie do you see up Hermione Grangers skirt?

I think from what I've heard in the "Chamber of Secrets" when she's making the potion in the bathroom with Harry and Ron, she's sitting criss-cross "applesauce" and you can see her panties.

How do you do Hermione's hairstyle from Half Blood Prince?

with the computer

Did Hermione Granger die in Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince?

No, Hermione Granger appeared in the next book. Hermione survived the entire series, in the epilogue she can be seen with her husband Ron Weasley. Together, they have two children named Rose and Hugo.

Who called Hermione Granger a mud-blood?

Pure-blood racists like the Malfoys.

Do Hermione and Draco have a romance in half blood prince?

No. Ron and Lavender have a romance, and Harry and Ginny have a romance. Hermione likes Ron. Draco Malfoy does not have a romance with Hermione Granger.