

What is NADP related to biology?

Updated: 8/11/2023
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16y ago

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NADP is an important molecule used in cellular respiration (or making energy). When a cell breaks down glucose it converts 2 NADP molecules into 2 NADPH molecules, basically a NADP molecule with an extra hydrogen attached. That hydrogen bond has energy, that when broken releases energy to do other things. Further down the chain of the Krebs Cycle and the Electron Transport Chain, NADPH's convert ADP (adenosine di-phosphate) into ATP (adenosine tri-phosphate), the main energy molecule in bacteria, animal, and plant cells.

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14y ago

The answer related to Biology, rather photosynthesis of plants, is Nicotinamite Adenine Dinucleotide Phosphate.

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NADP: Nicotinamide Adenine Dinucloetide Phosphate

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