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pigment doesn't belong to nadp plus...

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Q: What does not belong NADP plus chlorophyll or pigment?
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Chlorophyll is to the light reactions as is to the Calvin cycle. a. NADP plus b. carbon dioxide c. ATP d. ATP synthase e. RuBP?


Do NADP plus store electrons for photosynthesis?


Where does NADP plus originate during light dependent reactions?


How would photosynthesis be affected if there were a shortage of NADP in the cells of plant?

If there was a shortage of NADP plus, the cells in the plant would not be able to run through the photosynthesis cycle.

During photosynthesis what causes electrons to flow from water to NADP plus?

Read your book

How is the function of NAD plus similar to that of NADP plus?

NAD is an electron/H carrier in respiration and NADP is an electron/H carrier in photosynthesis.

In which organelle is NADP plus the final electron acceptor?

only chloroplast

What does plus stand for?

in biology, if you see a chemical name, such as NADP+, the plus means that it lost an electron in math, the plus means, add. ex: 4+5=9

How would photosynthesis be affected if there were a shortage of NADP plus in the cells of plants?

ok, so, NADP+ accepts and holds 2 high energy electrons along with a hydrogen ion. so if there was a shortage it wouldn't be able to run through the cycle of photosynthesis.

How is NADP plus involved in photosynthesis?

nadp plus carries it to the nucleopsychtode and then releases the hydrogen forming the ATP cyclode cause glucose to be released into the cell

What is the function of NADPH plus?

There is no NADPH+. However, there is NADPH, which is a product of non-cyclic electron flow in the light reactions of photosynthesis. NADP+ and two protons are transformed to NADPH and one proton via NADP+ reductase as the last step in photosystem II.

Which part of the photosynthetic cycle involves an enzyme taking a molecule of NADP plus and adding two electrons?

Light dependent reaction