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The process of substances leaving a cell is called diffusion. The cell membrane is a selective permeable membrane that only allows certain materials to enter or leave the cell.

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Q: What is The process of substances leaving a cell called?
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What process released substances from a cell?

The process by which substances are released by a cell is called exocytosis.

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The process by which substances are released by a cell is called exocytosis.

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What is called when vesicles are used to move substances out of a cell?

It is called exocytosis, which is defined as "a process by which the contents of a cell vacuole are released to the exterior through fusion of the vacuole membrane with the cell membrane." The opposite of exocytosis is endocytosis.

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No, exocytosis is the process of using vesicles to release substances from the cell. Think of substances exiting (exo).Endocytosis is the process of using vesicles to bring substances into the cell.

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Plasma membrane

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Phagocytosis is the process of moving solids across a cell membrane into a cell.

What book transport process moves materials into cells?

The process that moves materials into cells is called endocytosis. During endocytosis, the cell membrane surrounds particles or substances outside the cell, forming a vesicle. The vesicle then fuses with the cell membrane and releases its contents into the cell.

What part allows only certain subsTances to diffuse into and out of the cell?

The cell part that allows only certain substances to diffuse into and out of the cell is called the semi permeable membrane. This allows good substances to enter the cell.

How do substances like co2 and move in and out of the cell?

By the process of diffusion and osmosis.