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Q: What is a few scattered subcentimeter lymph nodes present?
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Related questions

Where are the mediastinal nodes?

The Mediastinal Nodes are lymph nodes located in the center of the chest. The Superior Mediastinal Nodes are adjacent to the Trachea and Esophagus. The Inferior Mediastinal Nodes lie between the lower lobes of the Lungs.

What are subcentimeter retroperitoneal lymph nodes?

Lymph nodes are bean shaped organs, usually small in size with main function of fighting infection. They are located throughout the body including axilla, inguinal area and peritoneum or abdomen. Retroperitoneal or behind peritoneum- deep within abdomen. Thus retro peritoneal lymph nodes are nodes located deep within the belly (closer to the spine).

What structures filter lymph?

tiny vessels

What are the small bean shaped organs that remove particles from lymph?


What filters harmful substances from lymph?

Lymph nodes

If you have enlarged paraaortic lymph nodes What does that mean?

I have periarotic nodes present on my ct scan. does that mean u have cancer

What does T1N2Mo mean?

tumor is present with palpable regional lymph nodes and no metastases

Which organ is part of the lymphatic system?

spleen, tonsils, lymph nodes, heart, thymus,

Do you have lymph nodes in the elbow?

Yes. Superficial lymph nodes are present along your arm. However, the area in which you will find most of this type of lymph node is on the palm of your hands and in the areas that are used to flex your fingers.

What filters out microorganisms and foreign material that have been engulfed by the lymphocytes?

Lymph Nodes

Lymph nodes that drain the head and the neck area?

Anterior and posterior cervical lymph nodes.

Are there lymph nodes in the jawline?

Yes there are, they are the submandibular lymph nodes