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The genotype of a person with one dominate allele for a gene and one recessive would be expressed as Aa or Yy. You can use any letter you would like except one will be shown as a capital (dominate) and one as a lower case (recessive). This combination is heterozygous for that trait.

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9y ago
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3mo ago

A genotype with one dominant and one recessive gene is called a heterozygous genotype. In this case, the dominant gene will determine the individual's trait or characteristic, as the dominant gene is always expressed over the recessive gene.

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12y ago

When an organism has one dominant allele and one recessive allele the organism is a heterozagous organism, even though it will show the dominant trait it passes on both traits to its children.

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14y ago

the phenotype will be according to the dominant allele

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10y ago

A heterozygous individual has normally one dominant and one recessive allele.

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12y ago


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14y ago

the dominant allele always shows.

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Q: What is a genotype with one dominant and one recessive gene?
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What is dominant recessive?

Dominant and recessive are terms used to describe how a particular allele (gene variant) is expressed in an individual's phenotype. A dominant allele will be expressed even if only one copy is present, while a recessive allele needs two copies to be expressed. Dominant traits mask the expression of recessive traits in an organism.

A test cross made with a cat that may be heterozygous for a recessive trait what is the presumed genotype of the cat explain?

If the cat is suspected to be heterozygous for a recessive trait, the presumed genotype would be Aa, where A represents the dominant allele and a represents the recessive allele. This means the cat has one dominant allele and one recessive allele for the trait in question. The test cross would involve crossing this cat with a homozygous recessive individual to determine the genotype of the cat.

When is a recessive allel expressed in offspring?

A recessive phenotype is expressed in an offspring that has a homozygous recessive genotype for that trait.

Is a recessive gene expressed?

A recessive gene is only expressed when an individual inherits two copies of the recessive allele, one from each parent. If an individual inherits one dominant and one recessive allele for a trait, the dominant allele will typically be expressed.

What is genotype Cc?

Genotype Cc refers to the genetic make-up of an individual who has one dominant allele (C) and one recessive allele (c) for a particular gene. This means that the individual carries both the dominant and recessive traits for that gene, where the dominant trait (C) will be expressed in the phenotype.

Related questions

What is dominant recessive?

Dominant and recessive are terms used to describe how a particular allele (gene variant) is expressed in an individual's phenotype. A dominant allele will be expressed even if only one copy is present, while a recessive allele needs two copies to be expressed. Dominant traits mask the expression of recessive traits in an organism.

What is the opposite of homozygous of dominant?

heterozygous recessive

A test cross made with a cat that may be heterozygous for a recessive trait what is the presumed genotype of the cat explain?

If the cat is suspected to be heterozygous for a recessive trait, the presumed genotype would be Aa, where A represents the dominant allele and a represents the recessive allele. This means the cat has one dominant allele and one recessive allele for the trait in question. The test cross would involve crossing this cat with a homozygous recessive individual to determine the genotype of the cat.

What gene is masked if it is paired with a dominant gene?

The different forms of a gene are called alleles. In Mendelian genetics, a gene has a dominant allele and a recessive allele. The dominant allele masks the recessive allele if present. So there are two possible dominant genotypes: homozygous dominant, in which both dominant alleles are present; and heterozygous, in which one allele is dominant and the other allele is recessive. The only way to express a recessive trait is to have the homozygous recessive genotype.

What is the difference between a dominant gene and a recessive gene?

In some but not all cases a dominant gene is a functional version (allele) of that gene while a recessive gene is a nonfunctional (or less functional) version (allele) of that gene. As the dominant gene produces a fully normally functioning protein if it is inherited in even just one copy that protein will "dominate" over the protein produced (if any is produced) by the recessive gene. Sometimes there are multiple different dominant alleles and/or multiple different recessive alleles of a specific gene (e.g. human blood types have 2 dominant alleles: A and B that produce different antigen proteins and 1 recessive allele: O that produces no antigen protein).

When is a recessive allel expressed in offspring?

A recessive phenotype is expressed in an offspring that has a homozygous recessive genotype for that trait.

Is a recessive gene expressed?

A recessive gene is only expressed when an individual inherits two copies of the recessive allele, one from each parent. If an individual inherits one dominant and one recessive allele for a trait, the dominant allele will typically be expressed.

What prepesents a heterozygous genotype?

A heterozygous genotype represents having two different alleles for a particular gene, with one being dominant and the other recessive. This results in the individual expressing the dominant trait while also carrying the recessive allele.

What is genotype Cc?

Genotype Cc refers to the genetic make-up of an individual who has one dominant allele (C) and one recessive allele (c) for a particular gene. This means that the individual carries both the dominant and recessive traits for that gene, where the dominant trait (C) will be expressed in the phenotype.

What kind of plant has one dominant gene and two recessive gene?

A plant that exhibits this genetic inheritance pattern would have a heterozygous genotype, where one allele is dominant and the other two alleles are recessive. This would result in the dominant trait being expressed in the plant's phenotype.

What can the genotype Kk can be described as?

The genotype Kk can be described as heterozygous for a specific gene, meaning that the individual has two different alleles for that gene. In this case, one allele is dominant (K) and one is recessive (k). The dominant allele will determine the phenotype in this case.

What genotype has different alleles?

A heterozygous genotype has two different alleles for a given gene, one inherited from each parent. For example, in the genotype Aa, the individual has one dominant allele (A) and one recessive allele (a) for that gene.