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Either person on top works.

Not sure about you guys but looking at her you can see if shes enjoying it as much as you are.

AnswerWhen you are looking at her face so you can see her facial expression plus she can lean over you and you can thrust up into her.
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u take turns on going on top, but usually the man goes on for more pleasure ;)

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Any way at all is great, it gives the men a break from their 'hard' jobs!

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Q: What is a good way for a female to be on top during sex?
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Continue Learning about Biology

Are the eggs contained in the ovary of a flower?

Flowers are made up of; Sepals Protect the unopened flower Petals May be brightly coloured to attract insects Stamens The male parts of the flower (each consists of an anther held up on a filament) Anthers Produce male sex cells (pollen grains) Stigma The top of the female part of the flower which collects pollen grains Ovary Produces the female sex cells (contained in the ovules) Nectary Produce a sugary solution called nectar, which attracts insects that in turn assist in pollenation

What is the female organ of a flower called?

The female organ is called the pistil. The pistil contains three structures: stigma, style, and the ovary. The top of the female organ is the stigma. The stigma is sticky or has hairs, enabling it to trap pollen grains. The style is usually stalklike, rises from the ovary. Ovules form in the ovary of the pistil. For more information you can go onto below website. Look at "Plant Reproduction" Go to page 613 and read to page 615. This will describe the different male and female parts of a flower and how reproduction occurs.

What is a clitorus?

The clitoris is an organ located at the top of the vulva that is responsible for sexual pleasure in individuals with female genitalia. It contains a high concentration of nerve endings and is typically stimulated during sexual activity.

Stigma of a flower?

The top portion of the pistil the female part of the flower

What are sex games?

There are lots of sexual on top, woman on top, standing, sitting, lying side-by-side. Some are good for rear entry like the doggy position. Some are better to use to get pregnant. Others are good to stimulate the woman's g-spot like the Cat (coital alignment position.)

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Why do men like for a female to be on top during sex?

cuz then we dont have to do anything but watch :)

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i get ontop of my man

Why do guys have to be on top during sex?

They don't have to, you can take turns.Guys don't have to be on top they can be on top or bottom

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Yes she can if she is having unprotected sex, no matter what position.

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no it's actually so much easier to be on top as a girl during sex because you are in total control of how fast you go. It all comes naturally to you when your having on how to move....

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well females can do many things during sex. they can be dominant or submissive, on top or on bottom. we can do it all but its completely up to the individual.

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Yes a parrot fish female could turn into a parrot fish male it changes gender and color :}

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Next to swimming, sex is probably among the top ten excercises.

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