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Q: What is a mass of hyphae hidden underneath the ground?
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What is the mass of hyphae hidden underneath the ground?


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What are the threadlike tubes by which fungi grow called?

All fungi are made of eukaryotic cells, which have nuclei. Some fungi are single celled, but most fungi are made of many cells. These many-celled fungi are made up of chains of cells called hyphae (HIE fee). Hyphae (singular, hypha) are threadlike fungal filaments. These filaments are made of cells that have openings in their cell walls. These openings allow cytoplasm to move freely between the cells.Most of the hyphae that make up a fungus grow together to form a twisted mass called the mycelium (mie SEE lee uhm). The mycelium makes up the major part of the fungus. However, this mass is hidden from view underneath the ground.Shortened answer:Hyphae.

Are mushrooms and fungus the same thing?

Hyphae are long thread-like structures of fungi. This collective mass of hyphae filaments are called the mycelium. In a fungus, the mycelium's function is to take in nutrients from its surrounding environment.

Is it true that the body of a fungus usually consists of a mass of many-celled threadlike tubes called hyphae?

Yes. The whole fungus is made of hyphae or modified hyphae.

What is the Tangled mass of hyphae?

Mycelium.... it makes up the whole mass of fungus.

A mass of hyphae in an ascomycete is commonly referred to as a?


What is the mass of the threadlike tube composing the body of fungi?


What is mass threadlike tubes forming the body of fungus?


The tangled mass that makes up the body of a fungus is the?

Hyphae or Mycelium.

What is rizomorphic mycelium?

the vegetative part of a fungus consisting of a mass of branching threadlike hyphae

What is a mass of hyphae that grows into bread to digest called?

b_ash ask your mom ~ Mycelium. :,)