

What is a sago plant?

Updated: 8/10/2023
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9y ago

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Sago is a starch extracted from palms, for example from Metroxylon sagu.

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Q: What is a sago plant?
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Quinoa is a plant with very small grains; sago is a type of starch.

What is a substance used in pudding that contains starch from a tropical plant?

Tapioca or sago. Tapioca comes from cassava (manioc) root and sago comes from the pith of the sago palm.

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Sago is the English equivalent of the Dutch 'sago'. One reason for the sameness of the word in both languages is its status as a loan word from Malay. It refers to a starch extract and to the plant from which the starch is extracted.

Is sago a grain?

NOpe... it's a starch - which is extracted from the stem of the palm plant.

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What country is the True Sago Palm native to?

The True Sago Palm, scientifically known as Metroxylon sagu, is native to Indonesia.

Who is Tyler sago?

you mean "Sago".

What is sago in Malayalam?

Sago in Malayalam is known as "chowari." It is a starchy substance extracted from the pith of various tropical palm trees and is commonly used in traditional Kerala cuisine.

Is Sago Is Obtain from cycas?

Sago Is Obtainfrom ?

What is the difference in sago palms and bonsai palms?

well for one, the sago "palm" is not even realy a palm. its a cycade. but i know what you mean. but it seems like you are a little confused, a bonsai is not a type of tree, it is a way of growing a tree. so those "bonsai palms" you see at the store are just sago palms grown to be a bonsai. but still the same type of plant as the other sago palms you see.

Are there sago palms on Maui?

Are there sago palms on Maui