

What is an amylopsin?

Updated: 4/28/2022
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8y ago

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An amylopsin is a pancreatic form of amylase.

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Q: What is an amylopsin?
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Where is the Amylase Enzyme located?

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According to SOWPODS (the combination of Scrabble dictionaries used around the world) there are 1 words with the pattern -MYL---I-. That is, nine letter words with 2nd letter M and 3rd letter Y and 4th letter L and 8th letter I. In alphabetical order, they are: amylopsin

What are some nine letter words with 2nd letter M and 3rd letter Y and 8th letter I and 9th letter N?

According to SOWPODS (the combination of Scrabble dictionaries used around the world) there are 2 words with the pattern -MY----IN. That is, nine letter words with 2nd letter M and 3rd letter Y and 8th letter I and 9th letter N. In alphabetical order, they are: amygdalin amylopsin

What are some nine letter words with 1st letter A and 5th letter O and 7th letter S and 9th letter N?

According to SOWPODS (the combination of Scrabble dictionaries used around the world) there are 1 words with the pattern A---O-S-N. That is, nine letter words with 1st letter A and 5th letter O and 7th letter S and 9th letter N. In alphabetical order, they are: amylopsin

What are some nine letter words with 4th letter L and 5th letter O and 6th letter P and 9th letter N?

According to SOWPODS (the combination of Scrabble dictionaries used around the world) there are 3 words with the pattern ---LOP--N. That is, nine letter words with 4th letter L and 5th letter O and 6th letter P and 9th letter N. In alphabetical order, they are: amylopsin cyclopean cyclopian

What is a 9 letter word where second letter is o and fifth letter is m and eighth letter is y?

According to SOWPODS (the combination of Scrabble dictionaries used around the world) there are 100 words with the pattern --M----Y. That is, eight letter words with 3rd letter M and 8th letter Y. In alphabetical order, they are: aimfully almighty ammonify atmology cemetery comelily cometary commoney commonly cymosely damnably demagogy demissly demology demurely domesday dumosity famously femality femetary feminacy feminity fumatory fumingly fumitory fumosity gameplay gemology gimmicky homebody homelily homestay homogamy homogeny homogony homology homonymy homotony homotypy humanely humanity humidify humidity humility hummocky immanely immanity immunity lamasery lambency laminary limberly limitary limpidly lumberly luminary lumpenly mammetry momently nomarchy nomogeny nomology numeracy numerary pamphrey pommetty pomology ramosely ramosity ramously rampancy remissly remodify remotely rimosely rimosity samplery seminary shmaltzy simplify somberly sombrely somebody summerly summitry symmetry sympathy sympatry symphily symphony temerity timidity timously tomalley tomatoey tumidity tumulary unmeetly vomitory zymology

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The contents of most parts of the alimentary canal include food, digestive enzymes, acids, and fluids. The specific contents may vary depending on the location within the alimentary canal. For example, in the stomach, the contents include partially digested food, stomach acid, and digestive enzymes, while in the small intestine, the contents consist of further digested food, digestive enzymes, bile, and other digestive fluids.

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abduction, abjection, abolition, abruption, accession, accordion, accretion, actuation, acylation, addiction, adduction, admission, adoration, adulation, advection, affection, aflatoxin, afternoon, agitation, allantoin, allethrin, alpenhorn, amphibian, amygdalin, amylopsin, anchorman, anchormen, animation, annelidan, anthelion, anthemion, anthocyan, anthozoan, antialien, antiauxin, anticodon, antihuman, antimycin, antitoxin, antiunion, antiurban, antivenin, antiwoman, appertain, apportion, ascension, ascertain, aspersion, assertion, astrakhan, asyndeton, attackman, attackmen, attention, attrition, automaton, avocation, badminton, baldachin, balmacaan, bandwagon, barbarian, barracoon, basilican, battalion, bedridden, bijection, bilirubin, birdbrain, bisection, boatswain, bombardon, bondwoman, bondwomen, boogerman, boogermen, boogeyman, boogeymen, brannigan, breakdown, breakeven, bringdown, bromelain, broomcorn, buckthorn, cacodemon, caecilian, caesarean, caesarian, cameraman, cameramen, candlepin, caparison, capsaicin, carbanion, caretaken, carnation, carnelian, carrageen, caseation, castellan, catamaran, cathepsin, cattleman, cattlemen, causation, celloidin, centurion, cessation, chalazion, chalcogen, chameleon, champaign, charlatan, charwoman, charwomen, chatelain, chawbacon, checkrein, chelation, chelonian, chieftain, chilblain, chinkapin, chromatin, chromogen, chthonian, churchman, churchmen, ciliation, circadian, cisplatin, clampdown, clergyman, clergymen, clinician, closedown, cnidarian, coalition, cobalamin, cocaptain, cognation, cognition, colcannon, collation, collegian, collision, collodion, collusion, commotion, communion, companion, concision, condition, confusion, connexion, constrain, contagion, contusion, cornelian, cornerman, cornermen, corrasion, corrosion, cotillion, cotyledon, countdown, courtesan, cowritten, crackdown, cracksman, cracksmen, craftsman, craftsmen, cremation, crenation, criterion, crosstown, custodian, cyclopean, cyclotron, cytokinin, cytolysin, cytotoxin, dalmatian, damnation, dandelion, dealation, deathsman, deathsmen, decapodan, decathlon, deception, decillion, decoction, deduction, defection, deflation, dejection, demission, dentition, depiction, depletion, desertion, detection, detention, detrition, deviation, dictation, dietician, dietitian, diffusion, digestion, digitalin, digitonin, digitoxin, dimension, direction, disburden, disproven, disseisin, disseizin, diversion, dodecagon, doubleton, draconian, draftsman, draftsmen, duralumin, dystopian, ealdorman, ealdormen, earthborn, education, effluxion, egression, eiderdown, eledoisin, elevation, elocution, emanation, emulation, encrimson, endorphin, endotoxin, enlighten, entertain, entropion, epicurean, epilation, erudition, euclidean, euclidian, eutherian, evergreen, evocation, evolution, exception, exciseman, excisemen, exclusion, excretion, excursion, execution, exemption, expansion, expiation, explosion, expulsion, exsertion, extension, extortion, extrusion, exudation, eyestrain, fellaheen, fellation, fellowman, fellowmen, filiation, firethorn, firstborn, fisherman, fishermen, flagellin, flotation, foliation, forbidden, forebrain, foreknown, foreshown, foresworn, foretoken, forewoman, forewomen, forgotten, formation, francolin, furcation, gammadion, garageman, garagemen, gemmation, gentleman, gentlemen, gerfalcon, gestalten, gestation, goitrogen, gorgonian, gradation, grantsman, grantsmen, greenhorn, grimalkin, groomsman, groomsmen, grosgrain, guardsman, guardsmen, guildsman, guildsmen, guncotton, gustation, guttation, gyrfalcon, habergeon, hagridden, halogeton, handblown, handwoven, harlequin, harmattan, hartshorn, heartburn, heliozoan, hemolysin, herculean, hifalutin, hindbrain, historian, hobgoblin, homegrown, honeymoon, horsebean, hydration, hydrozoan, ibuprofen, ichneumon, iguanodon, imitation, immersion, immunogen, impaction, impassion, implosion, impulsion, inanition, incaution, inception, inclusion, incursion, indention, indiction, indigotin, induction, infection, inflation, inflexion, ingestion, injection, insertion, intension, intention, interclan, intrusion, intuition, inunction, invention, inversion, irruption, isolation, iteration, joyridden, kanamycin, keybutton, kilderkin, kinswoman, kinswomen, knockdown, krummhorn, lactation, lamebrain, laminarin, laudation, layperson, letterman, lettermen, leviathan, librarian, libration, lineation, liquation, liveryman, liverymen, longicorn, luciferin, lumberman, lumbermen, magnesian, magnetron, malathion, mammalian, manhattan, mannequin, marmorean, medaillon, medallion, mediation, melatonin, mellotron, melphalan, mentation, merbromin, mercaptan, metheglin, middleman, middlemen, migration, minuteman, minutemen, misbutton, misdriven, misgovern, misreckon, misshapen, misspoken, misthrown, mitomycin, modillion, molluscan, molluskan, morphogen, mortician, mujahedin, multipion, muskmelon, mycotoxin, myoglobin, myrobalan, narration, nebenkern, nemertean, nervation, newswoman, newswomen, nightgown, ninhydrin, nitration, nonaction, nonfrozen, nonillion, nonperson, nonvirgin, nutrition, oarswoman, oarswomen, objection, obsession, obtrusion, obviation, occlusion, octillion, offscreen, olecranon, oleoresin, olfaction, ombudsman, ombudsmen, onionskin, operation, orangutan, outbidden, outdesign, outdriven, outridden, outspoken, outthrown, ovalbumin, overblown, overclean, overdrawn, overeaten, overflown, overgrown, overladen, overlearn, overtaken, overtrain, ovulation, oxacillin, oxidation, oysterman, oystermen, ozonation, palanquin, palmation, palpation, pantaloon, pantryman, pantrymen, parathion, parhelion, partition, pastedown, patrician, patrolman, patrolmen, pellagrin, peneplain, penstemon, perdition, perfusion, persimmon, pervasion, phasedown, phellogen, phelonion, phenytoin, phonation, physician, pickaroon, pistareen, placation, plainsman, plainsmen, planarian, planation, plantsman, plantsmen, plication, plutonian, policeman, policemen, pollution, polymyxin, porcelain, porphyrin, postilion, praenomen, preassign, precisian, precision, predation, prefrozen, prelusion, premodern, prenotion, preordain, prereturn, prescreen, preseason, pretorian, prevision, privation, probation, profusion, progestin, prolactin, prolusion, promotion, pronation, pronghorn, properdin, proration, prosimian, protistan, protozoan, protozoon, provision, ptarmigan, pulsation, purgation, puromycin, pyrethrin, pyroxylin, quarryman, quarrymen, quercetin, quotation, quotidian, radiation, rebellion, recension, reception, recession, reclusion, recursion, redaction, reduction, reedition, refashion, refection, reflation, reflexion, refreshen, rejection, reliction, remission, remoisten, rendition, repairman, repairmen, repattern, repletion, reptilian, repulsion, resection, restriven, retention, retighten, reversion, revulsion, rewritten, rhodopsin, ribavirin, roughhewn, roundsman, roundsmen, ruination, saccharin, sacristan, safetyman, safetymen, salaryman, salarymen, saltation, salvarsan, salvation, samaritan, sannyasin, sapogenin, saskatoon, satiation, saxitoxin, scarfskin, schlieren, schnecken, schoolman, schoolmen, sclerotin, screwbean, scutcheon, secession, seclusion, secretion, sectarian, seduction, selachian, selection, selectman, selectmen, semicolon, sensation, serotonin, serration, seventeen, shakedown, shantyman, shantymen, sharifian, sharkskin, sheepskin, shorthorn, sightseen, signalman, signalmen, siltation, simpleton, singleton, situation, snakeskin, solvation, sortition, soupspoon, sovereign, sphenodon, spillikin, spleuchan, spoilsman, spoilsmen, spokesman, spokesmen, sporozoan, sporozoon, sportsman, sportsmen, stableman, stablemen, stanchion, statesman, statesmen, steersman, steersmen, stillborn, stinkhorn, striation, strongman, strongmen, subaltern, subdeacon, sublation, submicron, subregion, suctorian, suffragan, suffusion, summation, sunscreen, superlain, superthin, suspicion, swansdown, switchman, switchmen, swordsman, swordsmen, sympathin, synkaryon, tactician, talkathon, tamoxifen, tarnation, tarpaulin, tearstain, teratogen, thereupon, threadfin, thyratron, tillerman, tillermen, timberman, timbermen, titration, touchdown, tradesman, tradesmen, tradition, tragedian, tretinoin, triathlon, tribesman, tribesmen, trihedron, truncheon, tyrocidin, ultrathin, ululation, unbeknown, uncertain, unconcern, underlain, underspin, unitarian, untrodden, unwritten, upswollen, urination, valuation, variation, vasotocin, velveteen, venireman, veniremen, vermilion, vernation, vestryman, vestrymen, vibration, violation, vitiation, vulcanian, vulgarian, walkathon, washbasin, washerman, washermen, washwoman, washwomen, waterworn, wheelsman, wheelsmen, whereupon, windblown, wiredrawn, wisewoman, wisewomen, withdrawn, workwoman, workwomen, yachtsman, yachtsmen, yellowfin803 words