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I believe you mean an ion, which is an atom or a group of atoms that has acquired a net electric charge by gaining or losing one or more electrons. atoms that lose electrons are metals that become positively charged cations. atoms that gain electrons are non-metals that become negatively charged anions.

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Generally, metals will easily lose electrons.

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Q: What is an atom that has given up or taken on electrons?
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What is the volume of an atom is taken up by?

The atom's electrons.

Experimens have shown that most of the volume of an atomic is taken up by?

The electrons in the atom.

What is most of the volume of an atom taken up by?

Moving particles

What is happening to valence electrons in a purely ionic bond?

In the atom which will form the positive ion, the valence electrons is/are being given up and lost to the reaction medium (environment). In the atom which will form the negative ion, the valence electrons lingering in the reaction medium will be attracted to the proton of the negative ion and is taken in by the negative ion.

What these takes up the most space in an atom?

The thing that takes up the most space of an atom at about 99.99% of the size of the atom is empty space. The majority of the remaining 0.01% is found in the nucleus and about 0.00001% of the atom is taken by the electrons.

What part of the atom is attributed most of the atom's size?

The nucleus. The nucleus contains both of the protons and neutrons of an atom, and make up more than 99% of the atoms matter and weight. If size is talking about measurements of width and space taken up, the outer ring of the atom, the electrons, span out away from the nucleus, orbiting it in an elliptical shape. The electrons of an atom are not physically attached to the atom, and can be arguably not part of the specific atom because the electrons can become intertwined with other atoms' electrons.

How is an atom given a neg charge?

In simple terms, an atom is made up of Protons, Neutrons, and Electrons. Protons have positive charge (+1), Neutrons have no charge (0), and Electrons have negative charge (-1). If an atom gains or loses Electrons, it's net charge changes. To result in a negative charge, the atom must have more Electrons than Protons.

What part of the atom is attributed most of the atoms size?

The nucleus. The nucleus contains both of the protons and neutrons of an atom, and make up more than 99% of the atoms matter and weight. If size is talking about measurements of width and space taken up, the outer ring of the atom, the electrons, span out away from the nucleus, orbiting it in an elliptical shape. The electrons of an atom are not physically attached to the atom, and can be arguably not part of the specific atom because the electrons can become intertwined with other atoms' electrons.

Which of these takes up the most space in an atom?

The thing that takes up the most space of an atom at about 99.99% of the size of the atom is empty space. The majority of the remaining 0.01% is found in the nucleus and about 0.00001% of the atom is taken by the electrons.

Where is the proton located in an atom?

In the nucleus of the atom, along with neutrons. The electrons are found around the nucleus. If the atom was the size of a Baseball stadium, the nucleus would be the size of a baseball! Most of the space in an atom is taken up by the electron cloud which surrounds the nucleus. That is why atoms are actually mostly empty space.

What is an atom simply made up of?

An atom is made up of neutrons, electrons and protons.

Srtucture of an atom?

The structure of an atom, it has electrons, protons and neutrons. The electrons circle around the middle of the atom and the middle of the atom is made up of protons and neutrons.