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Especially not charcoal dust the fingerprint doesn't come out right and it smudges so Fingerprint spray is the best solution!

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Q: What is better than iodine to show up fingerprints?
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Why do all fingerprints have different patterns?

because i have a different fingerprint than everyone else

How is the DNA fingerprint different from the other fingerprints?

DNA "fingerprinting" actually has nothing to do with fingerprints. Since fingerprints have been used in American courts since the Jennings case in 1911, maybe they used the term "DNA fingerprint" to help people grasp the concept of comparing two samples side by side, trying to find similarities and differences between them. Fingerprints are actually more unique than DNA. Identical twins (and other identical multiples) have identical DNA but different fingerprints. Every finger is different than every other finger in the entire world - including the other fingers on the same hand.

If identical twins marry identical twins could at least some of their kids look like twins having similar fingerprints?

They may look alike, but they will never have the same fingerprints, because fingerprints are created by differences of thickness in the dermal layer. It is independent of genetics, therefore, twins will never have identical fingerprints and any similarities between twins fingerprints would merely be coincidental.

Is iodine larger than glucose?

iodine cells are smaller then glucose ------- I would take exception to the first answer. Iodine is clearly smaller because it exists as a diatomic molecule I2 while glucose is a molecule of 24 atoms, having the chemical formula C6H12O6.

Add a drop of iodine to both a distilled water test tube and to the test tube containing the starch solution in the test tube What do you observe?

The starch solution will turn black, while the distilled water will remain brown, the same colour as the iodine. This is actually because water, normally used as a control, does not contain any starch and as we know, the iodine test is highly specific for the presence of starch hence no colour change other than iodine dissolving in water to form an iodine solution contrary to starch which we know complexes with iodine, to form starch-iodine complex forming the blue-black colour observed

Related questions

Is their a better technique used than the iodine method to show fingerprints?

it would be charcoal dust that works better than iodine

Is there a better technique than iodine to search for fingerprints?

It is simple

Is there a better technique to detect fingerprints other than iodine?

my head

Is there a better method to finding fingerprints than iodine?

yes,yes there is

What would be a better way to find fingerprints other than iodine?

You could use finger spray but don't use charcoal dust

Is there any better ways of showing fingerprints other than iodine?

i dont know, youy should ask Chuck Norris he'll know

What is a better technique than using Iodine to detect a fingerprint on a frame?

Charcoal dust is usually effective to detect fingerprints. If not you could try Fingerprint spray.

Why is fingerprint better than iodine?

fingerprint spray is better than iodine because iodine can smudge the fingerprint but the fingerprint makes it clear.

Why is fingerprint spray better than iodine?

fingerprint spray is better than iodine because iodine can smudge the fingerprint but the fingerprint makes it clear.

Is peroxide better than iodine on wounds?

peroxide is better

Why do gold and copper conduct electricity better than carbon and iodine?

because they are metals

What is better than All Day Energy Green?

iodine plus 2