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i dont know, youy should ask Chuck Norris he'll know

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Q: Is there any better ways of showing fingerprints other than iodine?
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Is there a better technique to detect fingerprints other than iodine?

my head

What would be a better way to find fingerprints other than iodine?

You could use finger spray but don't use charcoal dust

Why does the solid iodine only stick to fingerprints when its heated?

because the iodine needs to make contact with the fingerprint so when it's a solid it can't do that. However when it is heated it turns in to gas (sublimation) it rises up and as it make contact with a coooler surface (the fingerprint) it crystallizes and makes it visable.

Why is iodised salt better than non iodised salt?

Unless you have other sources of iodine in your diet, iodized salt is better. Low iodine can cause a wide variety of health issues. Iodine is necessary for the thyroid gland to make thyroxine hormone. In case iodine is deficient in our diet, e.g. not eating enough fish and other seafood that contains natural iodine, there is a possibility that we might suffer from goitre. Iodine deficiency can also produce mental retardation and is a global problem. Excessive use of table salt (NaCl) is also harmful, so a balanced seafood diet is better against mental and other malnutrition problems.

What is the reactivity of iodine with other elements?

It does because in household products iodine is mixed with other elements.

How can you show fingerprints?

If you get ink on your fingertips, from an ink pad or by any other means, you can then print your fingerprints on a piece of paper, just by touching it. Once the fingerprints are printed on the paper, you can then show them to people.

How do you get potassium out of iodine?

You can't. Iodine is an element; no other substance can be extracted from it.

How does iodine differ from other halogens?

Iodine is solid and less reactive.

What does iodine bond with?

Iodine can bont bond with itself, and other Halogens.

Do other mammals have fingerprints?

Yes only primates

Do koalas and humans have unique fingerprints?

Not really. While koalas are the only known animal to have distinctive fingerprints, they can be distinguished from the fingerprints of a human. Like humans, their fingerprints comprise ridges in a variety of patterns.

Are koalas' fingerprints like ours?

Yes and no. According to the Australian Koala Foundation, koalas have fingerprints that are very distinct from each other, just as humans do. However, they are easily discernible from human fingerprints.