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Your epidermis. Hence the term "Your epidermis is showing!" Dermis is skin, so EPI-dermis.

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Statum basale or germinativum is another name

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Q: What is the Upper layer of skin where new cells grow?
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Which layer of skin is composed of dead keratinized cells?

The upper layer of skin i.e. Epidermis is composed of dead Keratinized epithelium cells.

How many layers does the epidermis have in hair?

how many layer of cells make up upper epidermis and lower epidermis

Which layer of the skin produces the skin cells?

The Bascal Cell Layer, the deepest layer where cells divide to produce new skin cells.

What layer of skin that contains the blood vessels and nerves closest to the surface of of the skin is?

The upper layer of the skin is called the 'epidermis'. In birds, it contains no nerve cells, and their Merkel cells are located in the dermis. However, in most animals it contains a scattering of nerve cells called Merkel cells, located at the basal layer. The middle layer of the skin is called the 'dermis.' It contins blood vessels, most of the nerve cells, and other structures. The lower layer of the skin is called the 'sub-cutis' and mostly contains fat.

Like your skin a leafs what protects its more tender inner cells?

tissues are layers of similar cells. the outside layer of a leaf is called the epidermis tissue. the epidermis is made of flat cells . this layer is like the top layer of your skin. it protects the plant.

Is the outer layer of the skin made of liveing cells?

No the outer layer of the skin is not made of living cells. it is made of dead cells.

Does the hair bulb produce hair?

Only the cells of the hair bulb are alive to understand this more here is how the hair bulb if formed. Hair follicles forms a cluster of cells in the upper layer of the skin. These cluster of cells are called the primitive hair germ, which needs nourishment to grow into a developed hair follicle. To get nourishment it works all the way down into the lower layer of the skin. As it does, the cell cluster pulls the upper layer down with it creating a follicle called the root Sheath, out of which the hair will grow. The shape of this follicle then determines the shape of the hair shaft as it grows from the follicle.

Which layer of skin is most effected by a vitamin c deficiancy?

upper layer of the skin

What layer of skin has living and dividing cells?

Stratum basale is the layer of skin that has living and dividing cells.

How long does it take to grow an entirely new layer of skin?

how long does it take to grow a new layer of skin

What do you called the part of skin that round in the upper layer?

papiliary layer

The outermost layer of your skin is a layer of dead skin cells?

Yes its called the Epidermis.