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Slightly moveable

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Q: What is the classification of the intervertebral discs and the symphysis pubis?
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Where is fibrocartilage found in the body?

Symphysis pubis, intervertebral discs, menisci, tmj, and annulus fibrous

What is the pubis associated with?

The pubic symphysis

Can you feel a symphysis pubis?

It is right between where the two pubis bones meet.

What is the fatty tissue that covers and cushions the symphysis pubis called?

Mons pubis

What joins the two os coxae at the anterior junction of these bones?

Symphysis Pubis/ Pubic Symphysis

What does not describe the bladder?

The bladder is NOT anterior to the pubis symphysis.

What is the full form of SPD?

Symphysis pubis dysfunction

What are examples of slightly movable joints?

The most common slightly movable joints are the joints between the vertebrae. Two more are found in pelvis: the sacroiliac and the symphysis pubis joints.

Do you palpate the symphysis pubis ablove the bladder for urinary retention?


How do you avoid cutting off the symphysis pubis in a KUB?

One of the two following methods will work: (1) Place side of your hand on patient's abdomen, superior to the symphysis pubis. Then while pressing, slide hand inferiorly until the symphysis pubis is palpated. Ensure light field covers this area of the symphysis pubis. (2) Palpate for the greater trochanters in the femur. Ensure the light field covers this area or at least the area of the abdomen that reaches to this level of the greater trochanters.

What type of joint is found at the pubic symphysis?

The pubic symphysis joint is a cartilaginous joint (gliding joint) that allows limited movement. It can give way slightly during childbirth. A person has another type of symphysis joint in the mandible. This joint is at the point of the chin.

What is the name of the angle formed by the pubic bones below the symphysis pubis?

The pubic arch.