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No, but the producers are.The consumers are at three levels which are(starting from top):

1. tertiary consumers

2. secondary consumers

3. primary consumers


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1mo ago

The consumer at the top of the energy pyramid is the tertiary consumer. This organism feeds on secondary consumers, which in turn feed on primary consumers at the lower levels of the pyramid. Tertiary consumers are often at the highest trophic level in a food chain or web.

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12y ago

yes because they have to be an a specific order . the order is carnivores, herbivores , and producers

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11y ago

carnivore or the third level consumer ex. sun-leaf-caterpillar-bird

the bird is top consumer

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8y ago

Producers are on the bottom. They are plants, shrubs and trees that make their own food using sunlight. Consumers form more than one level but they are in the levels above the producers.

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7y ago

The last level contains what are called apex predators.

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Q: What is the consumer at the top of the energy pyramid?
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Which part of this energy pyramid has the least amount of energy?

The top predators, such as apex predators or carnivores, typically have the least amount of energy in an energy pyramid because energy is lost as it moves up the food chain. These organisms rely on consuming others for energy, so by the time energy reaches them, it is significantly reduced compared to the primary producers at the base of the pyramid.

What is the bottom layer of a pyramid that represents ecosystem producers and its top layers represent consumers called?

The bottom layer of a pyramid that represents ecosystem producers is called the trophic level, while the top layers representing consumers are known as higher trophic levels. This structure illustrates how energy flows through an ecosystem, with producers forming the base and subsequent levels representing different consumer groups.

What statement describes a pyramid of energy?

A pyramid of energy represents the flow of energy through different trophic levels in an ecosystem. It demonstrates the decrease in available energy as it moves up the food chain due to energy loss through metabolism and heat transfer. The pyramid shape indicates that each higher trophic level has less energy available than the one below it.

What type of pyramid shows energy flow through an ecosystem?

A pyramid of energy shows the flow of energy through an ecosystem. It illustrates the decrease in energy available at each trophic level, with producers at the base of the pyramid and top consumers at the peak.

What level of the food pyramid contains consumers with the least biomass?

The highest level, which is the top level of the food pyramid, contains consumers with the least biomass. This level typically consists of tertiary consumers or apex predators, which have a relatively small population size and biomass compared to primary and secondary consumers in lower levels of the food chain.

Related questions

What do you call a consumer at the top of a energy pyramid?

these are called third level consumers and only obtain about 1% of energy.

Who is the top consumer in an ecological pyramid?

humans are the top predator in the ecological pyramid.

What is a coral reef energy pyramid?

Basically it is a pyramid made up of different trophic levels (trophic being the list of who eats who...but don't use this for a definition) these levels are stacked on top of each other making a pyramid starting with: Producer Primary consumer Secondary consumer Tertiary consumer Tertiary consumer would be the top of the pyramid (this is only my take on it so there may be more) Hope this helped :)

Why is there less of energy at the top of an energy pyramid?

yes, there is less energy at the top of an energy pyramid

Where is the least energy found in the energy pyramid?

The last level of the energy pyramid...secondary,tertiary...

What each level of an energy pyramid is?

producer consumer secondary consumer

Are consumer found at the top or bottom of energy pyramid?

yes because energy pyramid is made up of three things. Those things are producers, herbivores, carnivores. It is at the top of the pyramid because the pyramid has an order to follow. It looks something like this: carnivore herbivore producer It can't go any other way.

What level do you place an elephant in an energy pyramid?

Elephants are typically placed at the tertiary consumer level in an energy pyramid due to their position as top predators in their ecosystems. They primarily consume plants but may also scavenge on carcasses, which places them higher in the energy pyramid.

What is herons role in the energy pyramid?

The energy role of heron is a primary consumer.

Where is a Manatee on the energy pyramid?

the manatee is on the top of the pyramid

What is the peregrine falcon's position in an energy pyramid?

The peregrine falcon is a tertiary consumer in an energy pyramid, as it primarily feeds on smaller birds and mammals. This places it at a high trophic level in a food chain, where it consumes animals that are lower in the food chain.

Which part of this energy pyramid has the least amount of energy?

The top predators, such as apex predators or carnivores, typically have the least amount of energy in an energy pyramid because energy is lost as it moves up the food chain. These organisms rely on consuming others for energy, so by the time energy reaches them, it is significantly reduced compared to the primary producers at the base of the pyramid.